Tony Alva says he is looking forward to his interview with the Dogtown News and he can tell you whuz hetnin with all the Z-Boys lately. Alva's new boards, the Model A and the Model T will be introduced shortly and will be offered in our next issue on a mail order basis.

Darren Ho, a Hawaiian local is presently visiting in the Dogtown area staying with jay Adams. Darren says he is stoked at how advanced the parks and terrains are compared to Hawaii. For sure there is more energy here. He intends to take his Dogtown influence back to Hawaii with him so we should be looking for Darren and all the other locals to be ripping soon with that extra touch of down and dirty.

The Keyhole was a bad pool, named because of its shape it was skated by Dogtowners and others for months. Located in an area approximately ten minutes from Dogtown by car, the house was being remodeled and four feet of water remained in the bottom of the pool. U.P., one of the first in the area to own his own pumping equipment, utilized two hundred feet of extension cord and drained the pool on Friday's as soon as the workmen would leave. All would skate the pool for the entire weekend and late Sunday night the pool would again be filled with its four feet of water. A small sample of Dogtown ingenuity.

Next month we will be offering custom made Dogtown T-shirts for sale. Watch for it, there will be other local homegrown items for sale.

Donny Oldham and four others were last seen whizzing down Ocean Park Boulevard towards the beach on their skates. They were passing all the cars that were limited by the thirty-five miles per hour limit.

There are a lot of people running around laying claim to being Z-Boys. The Z-Boys were the first string surfing competition team of the Zephyr/Jeff Ho Surf Shop. At the first Del Mar contest a few local skaters were added to the team. Here, in alphabetical order, of course is the list of originals: Jay Adams, Tony Alva, Bob Biniak, Chris Cahill, Paul Constantineau, Paul Cullen, Dennis Harney, Shogo Kubo, Jim Muir, Peggy Oki, Donny Oldham, Stacy Peralta, Nathan Pratt, Wentzle Ruml IV, Alan Sarlo and Tom Waller.

At this time we are making plans to interview all the original Dogtown Z-Boys, and of course, certain other locals and non-locals that we know will appeal to you. They will be unedited and if you have any questions for any of the Dogtown people send them in and we will get them answered in our next issue.

The Z-Flex poster this month features Marty Grimes. Marty is sixteen years old, was a member of the E Z Team and, of course, is a member of the Z-Flex Team. He has been skating for approximately four years. He and his brother, Clyde Grimes, Chuck Askernes, Jerry Miller and Greg Rashal were first sighted skating near the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium after a surf movie two years ago. They were the first hot, black skaters that the Dogtown Boys have ever seen and they were immediately enjoined into the pack. They have been skating with the Dogtown Boys continually since that time and their styles show it. Marty has been seen in "Freewheelin'" and "Go For It." You can see him anytime, totally ripping on the banks, at the local pools and at all the new parks.

Adams, Wentz, Muir, Biniak and a big guy called Butch were all rushing Highland hill after an outrageous party doing forty miles per hour and plus. They were all amazed by the flashing light of a Dogtown police car and even more amazed when the officer stepped out of his car and attempted to give them speeding tickets. The policeman finally decided that since they had no motors and were moving under one foot power that no ticket was necessary. He did, however advise them to attach flashlights to either their helmets or to their skateboards for safety while skating at night.

Peggy Oki was the only woman on the original Zephyr Team. Peggy was heavy into moto-cross, surfing and skateboarding. She skated just like the guys in that Dogtown surf style and she has the distinction of being the only woman accepted as an equal by the crew of Dogtown boys. She has always been treated with the respect due a person of her caliber. Peggy is now going to Santa Monica College, she is doing a lot of hiking, still surfing, and if you see a lovely lady with long black hair flowing as she whizzes by you on the banks, that's Peggy. She is leaving for Maui soon for a study in Hawaiian Ecology and Marine Biology. When she comes back we will do a full interview with her and let you know some of the experiences of the only woman who rode full-time with the Z-Boys.

Local marine hardware stores advise us that there has been a rush on the purchases of pumping equipment lately. They all seem to believe that there has been more accidents lately or excessive vandalism in nearby Marina Del Rey. The truth of the matter is that the Dogtowners have all heard the rumor that a law is soon to be passed prohibiting the excessive use of water to fill swimming pools because of the California draught.

Recently, Skatepark Systems international, petitioned the city of Santa Monica for a permit to operate a skatepark on the recently razed MacDonald Douglas site. Local residents were there in mass to oppose the petition and it was unanimously turned down by the city council. However, the city did vote to petition the coastal zoning commission for a permit to construct and operate a park within