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Welcome to The Discovery Page!!

Hi! I created this site is to tell everyone about the trip to Europe I went on a few months ago. It was the most amazing experience of my life! I highly recommend any adventurous people out there to take a look at the contiki web site, I'm sure you will find the trip of your dreams! I also wanted to create this page to give those that are seriously considering a trip to Europe a place to become acquainted with some of the places and the little oddities they will encounter. I am in the process of trying to figure out how to get pictures on the site as well so if they're not there come back in a while to check in. If anyone has any advice on how to get pictures on here easily please email me!! I hope you enjoy this site as much as I am enjoying the making of it! I hope it will answer some of your questions and concerns and convinces you to take the chance on an amazing experience!

This page is also going to consist of...well..other people's websites!! I have decided to add to this site cool sites I have found as well as any that you may send me!! So don't hesitate to write and give me some new cool links!

I also have to warn you all now that this is very new to me, I have never constructed a website before, which is probable pretty obvious, so give it time!!

Hope you enjoy!!

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