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November 2007 Newsletter

     Sensei: Kunitoshi "K" Akabane (925) 736-7600

                            Issue: 11/07 November 2007

Web Page Address:

2550 Camino Tassajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

October Meetings

Meetings are held in the large upstairs room at the Heather Farm Garden Center, Walnut Creek, and are scheduled on the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of the month, from 7:30PM to 9:30PM.  Meetings start at 7:30PM with a brief business meeting, and end at 9:30PM.
Please be ready to meet at 7:30PM.

Tuesday - November 6th - Board Meeting, Home of Steve Huskins, Walnut Creek. 7:30PM.

Wednesday, November 28th - 7:30pm. Joint Meeting.
                                          Lecture 7:30-8:00pm - Topic to be announced.
                                          Workshop 8:00 - 9:30.
                                          Refreshments and help with cleanup and close: Sylvia Roemer and Gale Newcomb.


Spring Show 2008 - April 4-6:  Here is this month's version of the table of committee chairs, which is slowly (very slowly) filling up.  Now is the time to volunteer!



Show Chair





Byron Nobriga

Hospitality (Food)

Marcia Cozens


Jim Stalker





Security / Raffle




The next couple months is the time to start bringing both your show and donation trees into our monthly meeting, to be reviewed by 'K'.

Club Board Meeting Site - Your Board of Directors meets once a month (usually on the first Tuesday).  For the last few years we have met in a classroom at a local school.  However, as of September, the school district has raised the fee for classroom use by 1500%!  Needless to say, we are now looking for a new home.  If you know of a meeting space that we can use for about an hour and a half once a month, please tell a board member.


Diablo Bonsai Club Look Ahead Schedule

Wednesday, December 19th - 7:30pm.  Joint Meeting.
                                            Lecture 7:30-8:00pm - Topic to be announced.
                                            Workshop 8:00 - 9:30.
                                            Refreshments and help with cleanup and close: Barbara Sampson and Byron Nobriga.


Events Elsewhere


Friday - Saturday November 9-10  Ross, California
Marin Bonsai Club
: Fall show at the Marin Art and Garden Center, 30 Sir Frances Drake Blvd.  Hours are Friday 6PM-10PM (Dinner, raffle and critique by Ted Matson) and Saturday 10AM-5PM with a demo by Ted Matson at 1PM.  For information, call Craig Thompson (415) 472-6685


Diablo Bonsai Club Officers

Steve Huskins - President,      Byron Nobriga - First Vice President,
Sylvia Roemer - Secretary,     Jim Stalker - Treasurer,
Lois Naye - Club Historian,    Newsletter Editor & Webmaster - Open.

Diablo Bonsai Club November 2007 Newsletter