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December 2000 Newsletter

     Web Page Address:                          Issue 00/12 ¨ December 2000

2550 Camino Tasajara

Danville, California 94526

(925) 736-7600

Sensei: Kunitoshi Akabane (925) 736-7600

President: Bob Evans (925) 820-0268

Editor: Daryl Bunch (925) 830-8790

December Meetings:

All meetings held at Heather Farms Garden Center, 1540 March Banks Dr., Walnut Creek. 7:30 – 9:30 PM

December 4 th - Joint Meeting

          Review of this year's project.  Election of Officers for year 2001


Note:    Bring one of your project trees for this year to class for the Sensei to see and review with you in the workshop

        Refreshments: Tom Fong, Paul Francis and Kathleen Gerner

December 5th Board of Directors Meeting at 7:30 at the CalFed Bank on Crow Canyon in San Ramon

Note: - If your are listed to bring refreshments and cannot attend, please call Bob Evans at (925)-820-0268.


President’s Message

Twenty people attended the Orientation Meeting held on November 6th.  To date eight of them have joined.  Please welcome the following new members:

Michael and Linda Fazzio of Pleasanton: Nobuko Fukushima - Harvey of San Ramon: Steve and Michelle Schultz of Dublin: 

Tom Steffens of Benicia: Harve Stroy of Pleasanton: and Jane Wirth of Pittsburg


The Board will be finalizing the club's schedule of activities for the year 2001in the December 5th board meeting.  If anyone has ideas for next year, please contact one of the board members prior to the meeting.

The club library is up and running again thanks to Pat Hines and Linda Soliven.  At the December 4th meeting we will introduce Pat and Linda and give them a chance to talk about the library for the benefit of our new members.  Again if anyone has bonsai related books that they are no longer using, please bring them to class and give them to Pat or Linda to be added to the library.

The Golden State Bonsai Collection - North located at Lake Merritt in Oakland is still in need of volunteers to act as docents at the Bonsai and Suiseki Display Garden.  The garden is open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  If you are interested in being a docent , please contact Bob Evans at (925)-820-0268 for more details.  If you have not visited the display gardens yet, try to get over to Oakland.  The hours and location information are given in the Events Elsewhere section of this newsletter.

The Gardens at Heather Farms has sent Diablo Bonsai Club their January through March 2001 garden class schedule.  If anyone is interested in attending one or more of these classes, use the class registration form on the last page of the newsletter.  The class dates,  schedule and enrollment form  are listed in the Events Elsewhere section of the of this newsletter.


BONSAI CLUB LIBRARY NOTES from Patricia Hines and Linda Soliven….

 Members are invited to check out books, magazines and use references of  the Diablo Valley Bonsai Club Library. Several books especially excellent for beginners, periodicals devoted to the culture and growing of bonsai and computer software for keeping records on each of your bonsai trees are available for check out on the days of our monthly meetings/workshops:

 When:    15 minutes before each meeting and during the break

 Where:  Downstairs from the meeting room


 Do you want to find information about:   Developing a specific tree style?   Wiring?   Acer buergerii?

 In our library is a database of articles from all issues of  BONSAI TODAY.  This database has been generously compiled and produced for members by Daryl Bunch.   The use of this reference can help you locate information about a specific species of tree or learn about bonsai techniques by referring to the subject index.  The library has several issues for you to check out once you can specify what article(s) you want.  Our library, however, does not have all the volumes.  However, Daryl has graciously offered to xerox articles if you specify an article(s) of interest.  The catalogue for the database is available at the club library.



Events Elsewhere

Golden State Bonsai Collection at Lakeside Park Garden Center, 666 Bellevue Avenue, Lake Merritt, Oakland, CA.

Garden House Hours

Wed, Thurs, Fri – 11:00AM to 3:00 PM

Sat – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Sun – 12 Noon to 4:00 PM

Call ahead to be sure they are open at (520)-763-8409.


Garden Classes at Heather Farms

1. Camellias - Saturday, January 6th, 9:00am until noon.  Fee - $15.00 member & $20.00 for non-members

2. Dormant Pruning - Saturday, January 13th, 9:00am until noon.  Fee - $15.00 for members & $20.00 for non-members

3. Roses - Saturday, January 20th, 9:00am until noon.  Fee $15.00 for members & $20.00 for non-members.

4. Floral Design - Beginning and Intermediate.  Demonstration and workshop to accomplish two arrangements per session.  Bring a sharp cutting tool.  Fridays, January 26th, February 2th, 9th and 16th.  9:00am until 11:30 am.  Fee $40.00 for members a& $50.00 for non-members.

See the last page of the newsletter for a form for these classes if interested.


January 6th & 7th  -  Bay Island Bonsai 2nd Show,  "An Exhibit of Fine Bonsai" at Centennial Hall, 22292 Foothill Boulevard, Hayward.  Hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm both days.  Admission - $3.00.   Free gifts for the first 50 attendees each day.  Auction of refined bonsai on Saturday - Preview at noon, auction at 1:00pm (due to limited space, RSVP required).  Call Boon at (510)-865-1008.


Diablo Bonsai Look Ahead Schedule

January 2, 2001  –  Board Meeting at 7:30 pm

January 8, 2001  -   Basic Class - Chokan and Moyogi Styles

        Refreshments: Linda Giacobozzi and Alan Jones

January 15, 2001 –  Installation of Officers and Potluck Dinner

There will be a sign up sheet at the December and first January meetings to fill in if you are attending and what food you are bringing.     Categories are main dishes, finger food, pasta, desserts, beverages, wines, etc.  Please also plan on bringing serving pieces with the food you bring, if required.  The club will furnish plates, napkins and eating utensils.

January 22, 2001 - Intermediate Class - Winter Care in General

        Refreshments: Hollis Hardy and Rebecca Harris


Class Registration Form                                Send to: The Gardens at Heather Farms

                                                                      1540 Marchbanks Dr., Walnut Creek, CA 94598

                                                                       Phone: 925-947-1678        Fax:  947-1726


Name ________________________________________        Phone  _____________________________

Address  __________________________________        City  _______________________    Zip  ___________

Name of Class                                                          Date & Time                                                               Fee                                  




                                                                                                                                                                              Total  _________________

_____ Member        _____  Non-Member        _____  Check Enclosed                    _____  Visa          _____  Mastercard

Card Number  _________________________  Expiration Date  _______________

Signature:  _______________________________________

                                                                                Make checks payable to:  The Gardens at Heather Farms

                                                                Refunds for canceling attendance will be made only until one week before class


Annual Dues

January 2001 is the start of the new year and Diablo Bonsai Club dues need to be paid again.  Please fill out the following form and a check made out to: Diablo Bonsai Club and mail it to: Tom Fong, 126 St. Joan Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, or bring it to a club meeting in December or January.

Please remember that payment must be made by January 31, 2001, as we do not want the process to drag out as it has typically in the past.


Diablo Bonsai Club

2001 Dues Payment Coupon - Return before January 31, 2000


Circle One Single - $40.00 Couple - $ $65.00

Name _____________________________________


City _______________ State _____ Zip _________

Phone No. _________________________________

email Address ______________________________

Occupation ________________________________

Please Return to Tom Fong, 126 St. Joan Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
