My LoVeLy MeSs...

cLiCk FoR pLeAsUrE...

my actual FiRsT webpage ever made**eek covering eyes**
To ~BeThErZ KoRn PaGe

EnTeR ThE DeWspOt...
ThErE u WiLl FiNd ThE LiNkZ tO My MaNy PaGeS, FiLlEd WiTh AlL SoRtS oF SuRpRiZeS, i HaVe WoRkEd MaNy HoUrS & OvEr A pErIoD Of AbOuT MaYbE 2 YeArs, I hOpE YoU eNjOy It As Do I, AnD CoMe BaCk AnD ViSiT It FrOm TiMe To TiMe, I'm SuRe It'Ll ChAnGe SuM:0)

AlEx'Z PaGe I.E.: MaD jEsTeR InC.
This is my hunnies page always under construction but often interesting.

TlY'S pAgE Inner Tears
This is Tly's page, she is a great friend of mine and has put alot of work into her website, so i hope that you would take the time to enjoy it.
