Desert Rat's Off Road Rides
Ancient History

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Previous Rides -- By Occasion

Spring Fling -- March 27-April 4, 1999
Memorial Day -- May 28 - 31, 1999
Indepedence Day -- July 1 - 6, 1999
Turkey In The Dirt -- November 25-28, 1999
Year End Ride -- Dec 30, 1999 to Jan 2, 2000

George Birthington's Washday Ride -- Feb 18 - 12, 2000
Spring Fling -- April 15 - 22, 2000
Memorial Day -- May 26 - 29, 2000
Independence Day -- June 28 - July 8, 2000
Columbus Day -- Oct 6 - 9, 2000
Turkey In The Dirt -- Nov 22 - 26, 2000
Millennium Desert Party 2001 -- 12/28/00 to 01/01/01


Maps By Location

Charlies Place

Cal City -- Cadillac Cul-de-sac
Cal City -- C-Park/Rand Mountains

Cuddyback Dry Lake -- Old Route
Cuddyback Dry Lake -- New Route

Dove Springs

Gorman/Hungry Valley SRVA
Gorman/Hungry Valley SRVA -- Campgrounds

Horse Canyon

Mammoth Lakes -- Glass Creek Campground

Moab Utah

Searles Station (Football Field)
Searles Station (Garden City)
Searles Station ("Prospectors" Camp)

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