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Lamb's Book of Life

These special prayers are dedicated
to NEW Christians who've challenged me with their spiritual insight,
and in the process, have driven me deeper into the Word, and pressed me more heavily into my prayer closet.

Forgive me, Lord for:
The feebleness of my witness,
The smallness of my charity,
The slackness of my zeal.

Set eternity so strongly upon my heart
that no earthly thing can ever satisfy.

Let your Word prosper in my heart.

Let me not seek another way around
the dark valley you've called me to go through.

Let me not fall prey to any temptation
lying in wait for me.

Let not my sins of yesterday be repeated today,
nor my life today set any wrong example
for anyone's tomorrow.

Be Thou my strong habitation
whereunto I may continually resort.

Inspire all my thoughts, pervade all my imaginations,
Suggest all my decisions, order all my doings,
Occupy me in all my goings, guide my mind to choose the right,
And give me a special sense, mighty God, of Your nearness.

Preserve me by Your grace, from so losing myself in comforts of earth,
That I have a diminished longing for the joys of heaven.

Give me grace to accept whatever disappointing things cross my path,
As being from Your hand.

Lift my mind, Lord, to the contemplation of
things unseen and eternal, rather than the things of sense and time.

Grant that the defeat of my self-will may be the
triumph in me, of YOUR eternal purpose.

O God, be today, the companion of all my thoughts
and the Source of all my inspiration.

Lord, speak in my words today, think in my thoughts, and work in all my deeds.

Above prayers are from "A Diary of Private Prayer"
By John Baillie. Copyright 1949 by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.

Prayers from our Internet Family
Lord, shine through me with your love, and anoint my voice with the sweet oil of the Holy Spirit
that others will be blest and find You as their precious Lord.

God, make yourself real to me this week in such a way that I KNOW it is You speaking.

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