Hey guys why don't you impeachment me                                  

again, my approval ratings aren't quite high enough.                    


A sure sign that a woman has caught the president's eye

is when he starts knawing feverishly at his wedding ring

like a ribbid wolf caught in a trap.

It's just a picture of my wife at the beach sir, could I please

have it back sir? Mr. President Sir?

Nice try Monica but I recognize the bura, SECURITY!

Midnight, we're pack'in a bag, get'in he heck outta here.

This afternoon 96 year old  Senator Stromthermon was

sent home after asking complete strangers if

it was time for his banana.

This week in a touching and heart felt moment former

presidental candidate Mike Ducokus was finally reunited

with the two people who actually voted for him.

Here we see teary eyed Senator Ashcroft announcing

he won't be making a run for the presidenticy as his wife

Bonnie repeadly shouts NOT MAN ENOUGH


In a misguided attempt to prove the he is not going to be

the usual kiss ass polition  immedatly after being swarn in

New California Govonor Gray Davis began shoving kids

and punching old women.

 And here presidental candidate Elizabeth Dole suggests to

husband Bob that he watch Logon's Run and tape Sanford

and Son.

In a contraversile attempt to attract youth to the Catholic church

communion is now being offered in the form of Wild Cherry Gummy


As Caron later told the love connection audience Cloude had taken

her on the worst date of her life.

Even when no one else talked Hale couldn't keep from saying NO YOU


Lyons and Tigers and Jews OH MY

Lyons and Tigers and Jews OH MY

I would love to sign your cast Maria but I don't know how to write

and I can't afford a pen Viva Castro Viva Larotio

Somehow even the frenzy swarm of stinging killer bees knew

Roger was sensitive about his receding hair line.

Stan's career as a serial killer would have been much longer had he

been able to control his compultions to stop every half a mile to see

if the body was still in the trunk.

When you've been the head of Mall Security as long as Gary you

get all the purks my friend.


Honestly, Oh yeah it was worth it.