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It's Got It All!!!

New Page in the site, if you like books then you will love this page. It's my online book store. Please Please go check it out. Bye clicking Below or going down to my links and to Book's Puls. Thank you.

Hi every one. Thanks for comeing. This site is becomeing a lot more than I ever exspected. I just made a few changes to club hacker, skaters uknight, Book's plus "my new one", and to high perfomaces cars. Go check them out. Also if any one has some good ideas about new web pages E-mail them to me. also enter my banner contest, make a banner for any of my pages and the winners will be posted on the page they are fitted for. All banners must be recived bye 4/1/99. Also alot of people have been comeing to this site and it looks as if one out of every 20 people sign my guest book. March 17,1999

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My Other Pages

Skaters Uknight.
Club Hacker, Lots of cool progerams.
DJ'S and Partyers
Book's Plus.
