darklands, vampire, death, gothic, chat, poetry


a dark webring for dark people

This webring is devoted to darkness

All sites that have anything to do with darkness,

will be accepted into the ring

(ie. Vampires, Death, Goth, the Occult)

Submit site to darklands
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

After submitting your site to the queue, you must add the HTML fragment to your webpage.

Change the following to correspond to your webring SITE ID

Replace "_YOUR_SITE_ID_HERE_" with the number you are given when you submit your site to the queue.

Replace "_YOUR_EMAIL_HERE_" with your email address.

Replace "_YOUR_NAME_HERE_" with your name.

Replace "_YOUR_OWN_SERVER_" with your webpage server. Please remember that you must copy the DARKLANDS Web Ring image onto your own server

It should look like this:

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Want to join the DARKLANDS WEB RING?

You will not be added to the webring if you don't add the HTML code to your site.


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HTML fragment

As a member of the ring you have the athourity to add sites to the ring

If you have any problems with the code please mail me at darklands@angelfire.com


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Ring of Masters
This site is owned by darklands, owner of Darklands Webring.

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Email: darklands@angelfire.com