The Cross-Culture Page 2      



Cross-Cultural  Awareness

USA: Beyond Technical Competence

Cross-Cultural Negotiations

Cross-Culture for NGO's

Capitalizing on Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Cross-Culture and Management

Cross-Cultural Team-Building

Cultural Globalization

Cross-Cultural Human Resource Management

Relocation and Culture  Shock

Course Slide-Show




SCI - Marina Del Rey CA 90292-USA





















 ©2001 sci

You Need To Know The Rules

Are you a sales manager setting up new distribution channels? A service representative working with overseas colleagues to set up new systems? A manager helping to run an overseas subsidiary or open a new manufacturing plant? Whoever you are, whatever you are doing, if you are interacting with people from other cultures, you need to know something about them.

  A Cross-Culture Awareness course can be an essential first step in that process. When you do business with companies in other countries, you are not just staying in a different hotel, eating a different meal, and meeting in different offices. You are entering someone else's world, and you need to understand the history of its people, the rules the culture runs by, and the way they view the business process.

  Inter-cultural awareness does not come overnight. It will only come with preparation, effort, and an open mind.

  Every business traveler should know something about the country they are visiting - its history, its people, its heritage. It helps you make conversation, helps you learn more from the experience, and is a sign of respect for those you are meeting.

  Once you understand the basic facts about a culture, and something about its social rules, you are ready to do business. When does yes mean yes? When does maybe mean no? When should you raise the issue of payment? How are commitments followed through? - In order to get the best results, you need to know how business is done in your partner's culture.  

  Social issues form the backbone of any culture. People in different countries conduct their lives in different ways: Which color flowers to bring? Which hand to shake? How to address your colleagues? Who speaks first?  It is far better to know the rules than to risk offending anyone and losing a deal.

  Knowing the rules is one thing. Being prepared for the little things that can go wrong, is quite another. And little things can always go wrong!

Companies worldwide are actively training their staff in Inter-Cultural awareness, sensitization and communications in order to  help their sales, service and management employees prepare for interacting and doing business, successfully, with other cultures.

  They include manufacturers, service companies and consultants from electronics, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, construction, government, training and education, tourism, automotive, consumer electronics, marine engineering, and many other organizations.

  How do we prepare for a different culture? An environment that, for all its outwardly similarities, is completely different from the one we are accustomed to?   

 For instance:

·     How do you manage a team of culturally diverse employees ?

·      You must negotiate contracts, but does your counterpart share your cultural preconceptions just because he is dressed like you ?

·      You must hire and train new staff, but how is time and education viewed in another culture ?

·      You must host a foreign delegation, but what are their goals and cultural needs? 

·      How do you respond to an ambiguous command from your manager if he/she is from a different culture ?

These are just a few of the innumerable questions that arise as soon as you move outside of a national framework. (BACK)


SCI - Marina Del Rey CA, 90292-USA

USA: Tel: (877) 680-0800 ext. 605    Fax: (208) 979-9338

UK: Tel:+44-0870-139-9366     Fax:+44-0870-139-9366


