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why is this the hole? lets start with an into. IM IN A FUCKING HOLE AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT KISS MY ASS. this is a fucking hole because its all my complaints and problems that always burden people so i fucking made a site.
i had writen a whole bunch but i hit something that fucked everything up now i have to te itler. not. im too lazy. good bye. "kiss my ass i hope you die wish me well you can go to hell" (aa i love the bouncing souls)
shall we start with some information on myself. well fuck you too! im a girl. i look like a guy. purple dreadloocks, i couldnt care less what i look like, i dont give two shits if you make fun of me. i beleive in karma. your karma, my karma, the worlds karma, karma in general. everything i do is based around karma. i like punk. that is my favourite music along with ska. just becuase i dont obsess over guys dosent mean im a fucking lesbian you jackasses. *rolls eyes* becuase i dont care what i look like, becasue i dont look like a girl and because guys dont rule my FUCKING life means im not normal. and therefore, im a lesbian! i have nothing against them (i really couldnt care less what someones sexuality is) it just FUCKING pisses me off when people think im a lesbian becuase of FUCKING STERIOTYPES!!!!!!!!
maan... this site is bad karma. but im not direction it to anyone specificaly, so theres no negative karma sent out, its just feelings comming out so fuck you. (here we go with the bad karma)
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if for some reason you wanna contact me, email me ( - my dosent work anymore) and my icq number is 55628539.

pointless page, i dont know what im doing
somewhat amusing.... hmmmmm....