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The History of Clan Shaw

Motto: Fide et Fortitude  (By Fidelity and Fortitude)                                    

Gaelic Name: Mac Ghille-Sheathanaich

Plant Badge: Red Whortleberry

     The seat of Clan Shaw was the beautiful castle of Loch-an-eilean, in the loch of that name, near the Cairgorm Mountains.   Clan Shaw is a sept of the Mackintosh clan, and is also part of the Clan Chattan.  The Clan Chattan was a large clan comprimised of smaller clans, united as one.  Though originally granted to the Shaws in 1396, Loch-an-eilean is currently owned by the Gordons, due to Allan Shaw's monetary difficulties.

     Currently having no lands, Clan Shaw has been working as mercenaries, offering protectionary services to nobles in need.   One such example was Rauri Shaw, Fearghus's older brother, who was killed while protecting Sir John Harrington.  Having no wife or children, it is because of this that Fearghus is now the Chieftain of Clan Shaw.  Protectionary services have also been rendered to Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Poland, upon her arrival in Scotland.  Had it not been for Clan Shaw, who knows what terrible things might have happened to the Princess.   We have also rendered our services to His Grace, Sir James Melville, while he journeyed to England to visit Queen Elizabeth with gifts from Mary for her natal day.

     Though currently owning no land, it is hoped by Fearghus that a noble will take to heart the need by his clan for a permanent home, and lands will be granted to him.

     Clan Shaw is a group based on the central coast of California that represents life as Highland Scots at Renaissance faires all over California.  We play mostly in the mid to late 16th century, during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I on the English throne and Mary Stuart on the Scottish throne, but we are flexible within a few hundred years.


From the Clan Shaw Handbook, used with permission. ©1999