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Celine in Numbers

82-The percentage of Canadiens who would rather have Céline concieve a child

13-The number of brothers and sisters Céline has

30-The day of Céline's birth

03-The month of Céline's birth

68-Guess...The year of Céline's birth

18-The number of years Céline has been putting albums out

20-The number of albums she has released

4-The age of Céline when she performed her first show

5-Céline's lucky number

17-The day of Céline's marriage to René Angélil

12-The month of Céline's marriage to RA.

100-500-The amount of shoes Céline herself says she owns

1000+ -The amount of shoes the magazines says she owns

300˛-The size of Céline's closet in West Palm Beach, FLA(in feet)

500,000-The cost of Céline and René's wedding

300+ -The amount of shows Céline performed in 1996-97

2-Number of Oscars she has won for her songs

4-Number of times she was nominated for Oscars

8-Number of Movie songs Céline recorded (Peanut Butter Solution, Prenez-moi, BATB, When I Fall in Love, BYLM, TLYM, MHWGO, The Prayer)

14-Age of Céline when her first album was released

26-Age of Céline when married

4-Number of anniversaries Céline and René have celebrated

200,000+-Number of LTAL albums were sold in the first week alone (a record)

13-Number of weeks MHWGO spent on the charts



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1999 Zora Sourit Productions