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Breeze On In!!!

Important things in My Life

Thanks for Breezing In!!! I am building on this page more and more everyday, so stop by often to see the new links `n` things!! As you can tell..I like Volkswagon Bugs, so if you have found any cool sites or pics of Bugs, please drop me a line and let me know!!! I am always looking for new Bug sites!! Thanks again for stopping in!! Be sure to leave your mark in my GuestBooK!! ( You have to sign it, or else ppl will think that I have no friends!!...hehe ) Have fun with the links, and remember.... there are more on the way!!!!! C-Ya!!!!!~~~~>MrBreeze1

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Breeze On Into These Sites!!

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Volkswagon Of America Home Page
Live 105...The Rock Alternative For The Bay Area
Check out My Wifey-Pooh's Web Page
ROLLINS!!! 2-13-61 Home Page
Hotmail--The E-Mail Alternative
My Home Town's Home Page
Santa Rosa's Home Page ( My new Home )
Send a Free E-Mail Card Here
This is a Cool IRC..Come Visit Me in the Coffeehse!!
Rage Against The Machine!!!!!
Chat using MY IRC!!! Use the popups and Make People Angry!!..hehe
