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She'll Never Know

I will never understand
the coldness in the heart
of the woman who will pay a man
to rip her child apart.

They'll poison him and tear him
from the comfort of her womb
they'll toss him out like garbage
with a trash can for a tomb.

She'll make excuses all her life
to justify the fact
that abortion is no answer,
but a selfish, shameful act.

She couldn't bear to lose her shape
or shoulder extra chores
so before you could change her life,
she quickly ended yours.

She'll never know your favorite song
She'll never see your smile
She'll never feel your love
Which would have made the change worthwhile.

So if you're too young to raise a child,
You're too young for romance
But should a child be conceived
at least give him a chance.

A baby is a priceless gift
from heaven up above.
Show the Lord some appreciation
And give your children love.

Have some faith in yourself
Don't say you can't until you've tried.
Will he die or will he live?
As his mother, you decide.

By Mikki Lynn Zarybnicky

On Forgiving Yourself. If you have had an abortion, there is forgivness in God, nothing is beyond Him. This page will help you find that forgivness.
Adoption Options. This wonderful agency places children of all ages, races and children who are disabled or at risk for any disability from all over the US and foreign countries. Birth Mothers are given medical care, housing and assistance and can choose open adoption. If you need help, go to this link or call (225)644 1033 (collect) or send a fax of inquiry to (225) 647 8235.
Adoption Options. If you or someone you know longs to become a parent through adoption, please have them check out this link. Parents seeking to adopt can apply by calling (225) 644 1033 or request further information by fax (225) 647 8235

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Crying For You Baby;Operation Rescue