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Road History

The old highway signs for California routes 91 and 395.

Road history has always intrigued me. As I traveled along a road, it always seemed to have a life of its own. A Los Angeles highway clogged with traffic jams reminds me of the maddening rush of people, always trying to get somewhere, always dependent on roads. A desolate two-lane road meandering among rolling hills patched against a clear blue sky makes me think of the quiet isolation that nature brings, which I can see from my window.

Adding to my interests are many historic highways traveled by people with hopes, dreams, failures, thoughts, etc. Some of these include: Route 66 (from Chicago to Santa Monica), Route 50 "The Lincoln Highway" and "The Loneliest Road", Route 40 (the first interstate highway in America) and highways less known, such as the Old Plank Road in the California Desert.

One of my philosophies: A road has many stories to tell; it can think, feel, and remember. One thing it can't do is talk; therefore, people must use their imaginations to make it talk. The weary travelers, hitchhikers, gas station owners, and construction workers are a part of the stories of the "ribbons of highway" in America, "land of many roads".

Road History Sites

Historic US Highways Page
This site contains much information and pictures of highways, as well as many other links!
Gimme an "I"
Everything you need to know about America's interstate highways!
Route 66
Cool stuff about Route 66 - very much a legend!

Road Trips

Interstate 15 Tour
From Barstow, CA to Stateline, NV
Interstate 40 Tour
From Barstow, CA to Needles, CA

The Old Pomerado Road in the 1950s.

The Old Pomerado Road as of today...the same place as the top picture

"And it made most people nervous. They just didn't want to know what I was seeing in the refuge of the roads." ---Joni Mitchell

The scenic Tejon area...many interesting roads there!

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