R i c h a r d M a r k s, M. A.
Media Producer
Creative Process Coach
Professional Photographer



Is your heart's highest dream still burning to come into manifestation?

Would you like a creative ally to be there with you to help you support your dream to fully blossom and bear fruit?

I am ready to be that ally who will be side your side,
walking step by step with you until your dream is birthed with all its power and beauty into this world.

My name is Richard Marks,and I have a Master's Degree in Counseling/Art Therapy from Sonoma State University.
I have studied for 10 years with A.H. Almaas, at one of the premiere schools for the study of Sacred Psychology in Berkeley, the Ridhwan School.
These advanced studies combined with my Master's work are the equivalent of a Doctoral degree in Sacred Psychology.
My passion for guiding my clients toward their highest vision has led me to the Coaches School in California.
My passion for the creative process has brought me to collaborate with the co-founder of the Artist's Way,
Mark Bryan, in a 12 week Artist Way series in San Francisco.
I have also done intensive studies with
Dr. John Demartini from The Secret.

Throughout my life as an artist, coach, teacher and counselor, I have focused extensively on studies of Creative Process in many capacities
including working for three decades as a teacher, parent co-ordinator, media producer and Educational Resource co-ordinator with low income children and families in the Head Start Program.
In the early 80's I had the great joy and blessing of working at The Cazedero Arts and Music Camp by Whoopie Goldberg's side, (when she was still a welfare Mother).
We taught, played and helped to creatively empower poverty stricken teenagers from Oakland and San Francisco, many who had never seen a Redwood Tree or a forest.
During my summers at Cazedero, I taught the teens song writing and of course Whoopie taught acting and performance art.

For the past 40 years I has been involved in a wide spectrum of creative pursuits, focusing on songwriting,
photography, poetry, music and video production. I have had my own video production company, Electric Eye Productions,
as well as, The Artway Studio, a 16 track project recording studio where I produced numerous CD's and
educational videos, including the video entitled Vocal Ease for Maui singer songwriter par excellence Pamela Polland.
I also have created mauiprofessionalphotographer.com which is a thriving photography company,
which focuses on high end wedding photography, family photography, event photography, promotional photos, magazine covers, photos for Grammy CD's,
as well as photos that are circulated world wide via Getty and Blend Images.

A recent "Creative Vision Birthing Project" was working for several months with millionaire Maui artist extraodinaire, Elan Vital,
to help him bring his film screenplay about Albert Einstein to completion.
Elan was able to deliver "Einstein's Dreams" directly into the hands of the billionaire media producer,
Ryan Kavenaugh, owner of Relativity Media,
while I took photos of Elan joyfully handing his film screenplay over to Ryan.

If you are ready to birth your dream and want a trusted ally to support you,
I invite you to call me for a free consultation.

With a warm wave of great aloha~


Comments of Clients who have worked with Richard :

Words of Inspiration

Guiding Principles

Creative Links

Pam Grout
Maui Professional Photographer
Shalom's Heartspace
Shalom Ormsby Images
Dreaming Bear Kanaan
The Center for the Work
Pamela Polland's Web Site
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Mark Bryan's Web Site
Trinette Reed Photography
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
The Ridhwan School
Dr John Demartini
Eckhart Tolle
The Secret
Relativity Media
Millionaire Medium

Email: richard@dolphinmana.com