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's Little Corner Of Cyber Space!

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Hey everyone! I'm Andrea Melissa Fry, and from Labrador City, Newfoundland, Canada. I am 19 years old, and I am presently doing the Mining and Mineral Processing Program at CONA. As you can see from my picture below,(which I must add is really old, and I will have a new one up soon hopefully) I have blond hair, blue eyes, and I am super short. Also below is a picture of my best friend, Shelley Nichols. You will learn more about her as you go on. In my spare time, I love to PARTY! Even though there aren't many parties in this town, considering it is so small.... but we try our hardest. Also I write alot of poetry...maybe if you are lucky I will put some up on this sometime! =o) Besides that, I also love playing pool! And I also play darts. I went to the 2000 Nationals, and had so much fun! it was great! I ended up doing really well too!Anyways, that's all on me for now! Buh Bye! Luvs you all!But before I go, I have to mention a couple of my friends... of course there is SHELLEY, who is just an all around great person....also I would have to mention BRANDON (who lets me drive his van),he is seriously one of the funniest people I have ever met! I have to say hi to LESLIE FUDGE. She is the best and also a CrackBaby! Loves ya FUDGE.Also Hi to DIANE SPEARMAN WHO IS ONE OF THE DAMN BEST DART PLAYERS I KNOW! It was so much fun playing against you on stage and TV, LISA, LARRY (who is the sweetest person in all Canada!), KERRY (My younger hottie), CHAD (One of the best dart players I know who also went to Nationals), ROBERT (MY Ducky), NATASHA (Who just always happens to have a smile on her face, and I love her for it), FRANKIE(who is just crazy),COURTNEY MY PARTNER FOR NATIONALS,ALLISON KING (my one and only SUNSHINE)and Dawn, who has been a friend of mine for so long! I have to admit that her youngest brother is really =0) So is Ryan LeDrew for that matter! =oP FOR ALL OF THOSE WHO HAPPEN TO KNOW KURT EARLE FROM SHEARSTOWN AND YOU HAPPEN TO SEE HIM ANYTIME SOON, COULD YOU PLEASE TELL HIM HE IS THE BIGGEST LIAR IN ALL CANADA FOR ME PLEASE!!! AND FOR ALL OF YOUR INFORMATION, I NEVER WENT OUT WITH THIS GUY AND NEVER WILL, BECAUSE HE IS A STUPID PHYSCO STALKER, SO IF HE TOLD YOU I DID, HE IS LYING ONCE AGAIN. Alright, now that I have that out of my those who know you are very important to me, but I just didn't write you down, I'm sorry... but I loves ya anyways!

It's ME!

This is me and a friend of mine, Jimmy, who now lives out in Ontario!!

Shelley Nichols...Soon To Be The Best Curler In All Canada!!!

As you can see, Shelley is a curling pro! She has been curling as long as I can remember! And we have been friends for 13 years, so that's a long time! =o) She is 18 years old, and lives 5 seconds away from me! Shel will definitly get somewhere with her curling, as will her Brother Mark. They are both pro-stars! Shelley and Mark just won provincals actually for junior females and males. I'm so proud of them both, and also Mike Adams, who is on Mark's curling team. They all leave for nationals on Feb.1st. I will let ya all know how they do.If you would like to check out Shel and Marks teams, go to the link for the St.Johns Curling Club. Hope ya like it! =o)

Us! =oŞ

Now listen up! I have to warn you, that if you ever meet me and Shelley in person...BE AFRAID....VERY AFRAID! Cause we are CRAZY when we are together, and both in a good mood! Like when this picture was taken! We were both really hyper, so we got my Mommy (who is a total Neat FREAK)to take the picture. Anyways, that's all for now guys, I hope I didn't bore you too much! =oP This Page is still under construction
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And if ya wanna, you can email me at Loves ya all and don't forget to sign the guestbook!

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