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Welcome to Allie's Lady of the Dark

Wrestler Alex Wright
This page was created by Allieslady
On Thursday December 31, 1998
And is a copyright of Allieslady
This page was last updated September 16th, 1999 @ 10:18am

On the following pages you will find a bio, pics, win/lose record, match results, news, articles, and a Q and A with Alex Wright.

Born: May 17, 1975
From: Nuremberg, Germany
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 225 lbs

Current residence: Atlanta, Georgia
Wrestles in: World Championship Wrestling(WCW)
Debuted: October 17, 1994
Father: Stephen Wright(Alex's dad is a former professional wrestler. In the 1970's he had a career ending injury.)
Mother: Luise Wright
Brother: Patrick Wright(eight years younger than Alex)

Signature moves: jump spin wheel kick, flying cross body block, and reverse neckbreaker.
Titles held in WCW:
Cruiserweight belt: 7/28/97(Alex beat Chris Jericho)
Television belt: 8/21/97(Alex beat Ultimo Dragon at Clash of the Champions)

Nicknames: "Das Wunderkind" or "Evil"
Dance: techno(Alex can also swing dance)
Highschool attended: Eibach highschool in Germany

Alex was Barvarian weight training champion at age 10. He is Germany's youngest professional wrestler(18 years old when he started with WCW). I read in something that in 1984 that Alex was a male ballet dancer. Don't know if this is true or not I have not been able to confirm this yet. Alex lives in Atlanta, Georgia. His morning meal consists of toast and a glass of milk(where's the hot cocoa with marshmellows at I would die with out!!!). Then he goes on to do his morning work out that involves pressups, kneebends, weight training, etc. From the time Alex was a kid he always wanted to be a professional wrestler. He was also a sports swimmer. Alex had an appernticeship as a business person in insurances. WCW found Alex while on a tour of Germany in 1994. Due to other wrestlers on that tour being injuried. Alex was brought into replace them. Alex's career in wrestling sky rocketed from his surprising wins from the competive matches he was given. WCW gave alex some of the best competition in theworld at one time. Alex has been to Japan which has only farthered his wrestling training. He has been given "Rookie Of The Year" honours from some of the biggest wrestling magazines in the world. Alex has been featured in Bravo Sports Magazine which is Germany's most popular sports magazine.

When Alex turned heel in May of 1997 he brought back his techno dance too. Alex stated around this time that everybody knows I am the best. Look at me, look at my body. Look at me what do you see? 100% German beauty I know all you stupid guys out there are jealous of me because I have a great body. Bobby Heenan said girls eat your hearts out and i'll tell you what's wrong Alex has grown up. He is more self confident then ever before. Alex may techno dance on his way to the ring and in the ring but he knows how to manage everything he does and knows what he wants because he is a true champion with lots of talent and will power. In May of 1997 Alex was in a fist fight with Hardbody Harrison(I hope Alex won this thing!!!). Hardbody Harrison did not want to do what Alex had told him to do. So Alex went and talked to Randy "Pee Wee" Anderson over it. Anderson told Harrison to do what Alex told him to do. Well it didn't sit well with Hardbody Harrison and he got into another disagreement with Alex which led to blows being thrown to each other. When it was over Hardbody Harrison had been busted open by Alex and needed 7 stitches to close the gash Alex had given him(ya that's our Alex!!). So this goes to prove not only can Alex wrestle and dance but he can also fight when need be.

Alex's wrestling career almost came to an end in November of 1997 after he suffered a brain aneurysm. A brain aneurysm is a bulge of the blood vessel. Usually uncommon in patients around the age of Alex Wright. Studies have shown that they are related to an absence of a muscular layer that makes up part of the blood vessels that over time stretches and thins out thus creating the aneurysm. The danger is that an aneurysm can break open and bleed into the brain causing a stroke or even death. This is called a hemorrhage or rupture and approximately 30,000 people in the United States suffer an aneurysm rupture. It is estimated that if 5 people suffer or bleed a day that in one year one person will be alive and well, another person will be disabled and the other three will be dead. The good news is if caught early enough can be stopped. The symptoms of an aneurysm are dizziness, headache, or double vision. And on an occassion an aneurysm will grow and press on the surrounding area around the brain causing other symptoms as well.

Upon his return from his injury he formed a tag team with the Disco Inferno in June.(They may no longer exist do wrestling in the singles ranks like they did before)They named themselves the Dancing Fools. When Alex returned in April of 1998 he had the following to say on the WCW Secret Box. Hey this is Alex Wright. And iam here at the secret box. And iam going to take it over now because they really have no idea how to speak to you stupid people on the internet. ok? I just wanted to let you know that the German is back. I can't tell you when but iam ready. Then iam going to show you what you all want to see again my famous dance and beautiful body. So watch tv. A few days later after he made that statement he appeared on Nitro with the Nitro Girls.In an interview Alex had the following to say nobody tells Alex Wright what to do or when to do it. In late 1998 Alex started feuding with Fit Finley the man that injuried his father Stephen Wright and ended Alex's father's wrestling career. Alex used his chance against Finley and defeated him at the Halloween Havoc 1998. Thus feud also involved other European wrestlers like the British Bulldog and Norman Smiley so that Alex could prove he was the best European wrestler. And Alex succeed to take the title.

Alex's model good looks and his dimples have made a lady's man early in his career, making some of the other WCW wrestler's jealous of him. He had to earn the respect of his elders of the sport as they looked at him as just a kid. He now has his elders full respect. Since his debut in October of 1994 Alex has turned heel and made it known to all that he is still a force to be dealt with. Alex has stated that spirit, body control, and killer instinct are very important. When you have all the above then everything will be alright. The emotional feelings kick in even through the injuries to continue wrestling with them. Alex also went onto say that a good wrestling match can be just as demanding as a good game of chess.

Alex's hobbies outside the ring include going to the movies, dancing, and weight training. Alex has had two singles that he has sang on. One is called "Heartbeat Away" the other is called "Body Top Body" I will be making a link to Alex singing "Heartbeat Away" as soon as possible on the pics page. I do not have "Body Top Body" yet but am looking for it still. If any one has it please email me(see email addy at the bottom of the page please).

***Underconstruction*** News on Alex
Questions with Alex
Pixs of Alex
***New***Pixs of Alex in his new character Berlyn
Alex's win and lose record for singles and tag team ranks
***Underconstruction***Results of Alex's matches
Links to other Alex pages and other links of interest

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