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Freeway Magazine


Our European Members


In the heart of this MC, all brothers share a common experiences, the feeling of danger and battle.  All Wind & Fire members, spread over the four corners of the world, know this feeling.  They are fire fighters and bikers, and they only have one devise: "sauver ou perir!" (save or go down)

In general, the name of a MC finds its roots in a samelike philosophy amongst all members.  And very rare are those bikers, who baptize their colors by taking a name of their worst enemy.  However, it's because a certain dedication and certainly because it symbolizes their complicity in profession, that these men and women unite under the name "Wind & Fire".

Wind & Fire MC was founded in 1991 in Santa Barbara, California by Jerry Eibert, and that same year the club's logo was exposed at the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington DC next to commemoratifs from vets, all kind.

From this day the club expands rapidly and on the occasion of the 10th anniversary ride Coast to Coast, the club is represented by 1,247members in 13 countries and 51 chapters.

At this memorial moment, the bikers don't even have the slightest idea they'll meet again for a far less enjoyable reason, when only a few months after their celebration ride, the WTC attacks on September 11th kills 343 of their brother and sisters whom from 6 are club members.

During the "Ride to Remember" one year later making a stop at "Ground Zero" the clubs 911-343 patch is distributed to show we'll never forget.  911 standing for September 11th, but also the alarm number in the USA, and 343 for the number of firefighter victims.  Sadly this patch had to be changed to 911-343+1 when Ray Feasel, road guard gets killed in an accident during this memorable ride.

Despite these sad events, the feeling of solidarity and consciousness strengthens the club bringing the actual figures to 2,384 members and 102 chapters.  The clubs expansion grows steadily, not based on these facts, but most of all on the way of recreation. 

Especially the no prospect period.  Being a firefighter, with all the characteristics as solidarity and encouragement, brothers who risk their lives day after day next to you is the spirit.

Actually, it's simple: ride a Harley and be an active or retired firefighter.

From this ideology follows the unique equality between firefighters, men and women who wear the same colors.

Another particular point is, that no one has to be a chapter member to become a W&F member.  This way around the world single members ride their colors proudly, after one time dues of 22,-$

The club has a pyramid shaped structure, the Club President, VP,  and  Chapter Directors/President in every country.

In 2002 the club got started in France under Fred's support, bringing the total of European chapters to 6.  Two in Belgium and Sweden, another in the U.K. and finally France, without forgetting fewer single active members spread over the continent.

These men and women, bikers in the soul, are hooked on a life they really value and defend every day, sometimes with danger for their own life, and creative in actions for those, less privileged.

And it's here in the southern part of France that we encountered W&FMC on their 1st European rally, on the occasion of the baptize ride for French Firefighters orphenlins remembering Jerry's basic intention.  "Our job is not war, no politics.... but saving lives"  In the clubs Maltese patch, we noticed Wind & Fire, we'd like to add Heart..... a very big heart.

[Free Translation by Eddy]