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Bible believing scientists (Long list of scientists who believed the Bible - Gives their discipline and contribution to science)

Biblical Creation Society (Scientific issues, theology, philosophy, design, archaeology, creation, Dawkins, links)

Books By Subject (Many online books - Biblical Law, Church History, Creationism, Education, Family, History, and more)

Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia (Comprehensive list of hundreds of articles - Origin of Stars and Planets, Origin and Age of the Earth, Origin of Life, Evidence Against Evolution)

Creationism Connection (Very comprehensive website with hundreds of links -- Apologetcs, astronomy, audio-video files, Creationism, debates, Evolution, Kid's corner, biographies of present-day scientists who believe in the Creator, churches, geology, local Creationists groups, media sources and institutions, newsgroups and mailing lists, images, science news and research, tools, and much more . . . . .) - Books Online

Creation Resources (Creation Super Library,, Creation Safaris, Biblical Archaeology, News from Israel, Online Religious Books, Online Bibles, Online Bible Study Tools, and more)

Creation Science Association: Book Catalogue (Over 100 books available for purchase)

Creation Scientists and Other Biographies of Interest (Long list of scientists who believe in Creationism)

Creation Scientists with Outstanding Credentials (Short biographies and links for outstanding Creation scientists - inventor of the MRI, Dr. Raymond V. Damadian, geophysicist Dr. John R. Baumgardner, molecular biologist Dr. Ian Macreadie, agricultural scientist Dr. Raymond Jones, Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith who earned three doctorates, nuclear physicist Dr. Robert Gentry)

Creation, Social Science, and Humanities - Online Journals (Four Volumes, 282 articles - You can read online or download the entire set of archives)

Creation SuperLibrary [HOME] (Origins of Life, Origin of Species, Fossil Record, Origin of Humans, Education System, Dinosaurs, Catastrophe, Astronomy, Age Estimation, Bible)

Evolutionists Speak Out Against Their Theory (Quotes from evolutionists - Agassiz, Bonner, Bounoure, Certitude, Clark, Cohen, Conant, Darwin, Davies, Denton, Eisley, Field, Fleishmann, Fleming, Futuyma, Gould, Gower, Grasse, Hasard, Himmelfarb, Hoyle, Hsu, Hughs, Huxley, Jaki, Jastrow, Kaempffert, Kirk, Lambert, Leith, Lemoine, Lipson, Macbeth, Matthews, Mora, Nilsson, Patterson, Peters, Rosazak, Salet, Simpson, Sullivan, Tahmisian, Thompson, Watson, White, Wickramasinghe)

Exibits - All 23 (Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology - Many links: dinosaurs, evolution, fossils, impact theories, extinction)

Frequently Asked Questions about Creation (200 Questions - Wide variety of topics: General Questions, Archaeology, Astronomy, Cosmology, Physics, Geology, Flood, Age of the Earth, Biological Evolution, Thermodynamics, Origins, Bible, Creationism, Society, Life on Mars)

Geology and the Flood of Noah (72 links, by Christopher Wayne Ashcraft - Geology, Flood of Noah, Bible, Catastrophism, Uniformitarianism, Missoula Flood, Natural Wonders, Fossil Record, Sedimentary Rock, Geological Column, Index Fossils, Fossil Correlation, Fossil Sorting, Marine Fossils, Rapid Deposition, Rapid Erosion, Mt. St. Helens, Grand Canyon, Strata, Turbidite Deposits, Yellowstone Petrified Forest, Polystrate Trees, Rapid Coal Formation, Rapid Oil Formation, Dating, and more . . . Includes zip file for downloading)

Historical, Archaeological, Museum & Other Links (Many topics to explore - Bible, cultures, language, history, people, places)

Homeschool books (Many books and other resources on Creation Science)

ICR Scientists (Biographies of scientists who support the Creation Research Society, Impact No. 86, August 1980)

Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology (Many articles, lots of good reading here - Archaeopteryx, Dinosauria, Dromaeosaurids, Evolution, Fossilization, Impact Theories, Extinction Events, Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, News and New Discoveries, Oviraptorids, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, Stolen Fossil Alerts, Tyrannosaurids)

Links to Scholarly Biblical Studies by Ferrell Jenkins (Apologetics, Archaeology & the Bible, Bible Study Software & Tools, Online Bibles, Biblical Backgrounds, Criticism, Manuscripts, Translations, Books, Church History, Research, Evangelism, Greek Studies, Judaism, Maps of Bible Lands, Museums, New Testament Background, Old Testament Materials, Periodicals, Photos, Resources,Online, Study Materials, Theology)

My Favorite Links (Collection of many links, by Charles Kimball)

Online books (American Christian College & Seminary, with many topics for Apologetics - General Works, Philosophy, Psychology, Aesthetic, Ethics, Religions, History, Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Social Sciences, Political Science, Law, Education, Music, Fine Arts, Language and Literature, Science, Medicine, Agriculture, Technology, Military Science, Naval Science)

Online Books in Creation Science (Very extensive list - Defense of Creationism After the Food, Evolution or Creation, Science and Faith, Creation vs. Evolution, Darwin's Mistake, Dinosaurs and Evolution, Evidences for Creation, Evolution Deceit, Evolution: Possible or Impossible ?, Flavius Josephus, Piltdown Man, Radiometric Dating, Science, Naturalism, & Origins - The Creation-Evolution Debate, The Darwin Papers, The Global Flood of Noah, The Great Dinosaur Mistake, Travels of Noah into Europe, and many more)

Online Books Page (Home Page - Books Online, News, Features, Archives, The Inside Story)

Online Books Page (Thousands of books online)

Online Religious Books (Christian Classics, Christian Library)

Photogallery of the Dinosaur Figurines of Acambaro, Mexico (The Photogallery of the Dinosaur Figurines of Acambaro, Mexico, includes 75 pictures of figurines)

Refuting Evolution (10 Chapter book by Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D., F.M.)

Revolution Against Evolution (Over 100 essays by subject - Ancient literature, astronomy, fossils, intelligent design, paleontology, anthropology, dinosaurs, geology, early man, history, physics, and more)

Sacred Scripture (Archaeology, Ancient Near East, Biblical Books, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bible Studies, Hebrew Bible, Manuscripts, Languages, Images, Software, Journals, Libraries, Electronic Texts, Scholarly Societies)

Scientific Facts Against Evolution (Very comprehensive - Three volumes - Many topics)

Scientific Facts and Evolution (Evolution Cruncher, Wonders of Nature, guides, Creationists organizations, bookstore)

Scientists who Believe in Special Creation (Long list of scientists and their discovery) Internet Sites (Topics include: Apologetics, Archaeology, Cults, Cultural Issues, Education, Geography, Greek, Hebrew, History, Israel, Latin, Missions, Music, Prayer, Prophecy, Radio, Science and Origins, Search Engines, Writing . . .)

Theological Library: Creation (Many articles - creation, evolution, flood, FAQ's, genetics, history, homology, ice age, intelligent design, meteorology, natural selection, genetic variation, radiometric dating, scientific method, age of the universe, evolutionists quotations, gap theory)

Wikipedia:Public domain image resources - Wikipedia (Extensive list of links -- Objects, Animals and Plants, Nature/Science, People, Locations, Art, U.S. Postage Stamps, General Collections, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized links)

Wonders Nature 1 (Short articles on many amazing creatures - swiftlets, beetle, knife fish, underground flowers > Rhizanthella gardneri and Cryptanthemis slateri, gobies, moss, clownfish, and more . . .)

Wonders Nature 2 (bats, ants, birds, fish, whales, frogs, magnetic pigeons, and more . . .)

Wonders Nature 3 (fish, seeds, eel, weaverbird, moving slime, African honey guide, moths with sonar, puffin, and more . . .)

World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (Introduction, by David F. Coppedge)

World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1096-1642 - The Early Christian Roots of Modern Science - Biographies of pioneers of science, by David F. Coppedge)

World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1623-1872 - Long biographies with many links - By David F. Coppedge)

World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1550-1907 - Long biographies with many links - By David F. Coppedge)

World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1822-1991 - Long biographies with many links - By David F. Coppedge)

World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1936-present - Long biographies with many links - By David F. Coppedge) - BOOKS (Audio files, online books, images and articles you can download for free - Creation vs. Evolution Handbook in Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian, German, and Swedish) - IMAGES (About 800 images - Dragons, NASA, Dinosaurs, Biology, Mount Saint Helens, Animals, Minerals, Evolution, Science, Old Photos and Drawings of People)

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Andrews Creationism Index

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Andrews Creationism Index first created December 10, 2003 ~ last updated Friday, December 26, 2003

Thanks for stopping by the Andrews Research & Education Website ~ First Created February 1997

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Credits for images - NASA,, Australian Museum Fish Site, Creation Science Resource, Photos by R. Fleshman,, Michael Myers
Number of visitors since November 9, 2003