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Creation - Evolution Articles > Top
Creation-Evolution Headlines from the Bible-Science Association (Creation-Evolution Headlines - Many articles on various topics: Astronomy, meteor/dinosaurs, fossils, dinosaur bird, DNA, and lots more) JOHN WOODMORAPPE (Short articles by John Woodmorappe)
Creation - Evolution Papers (Many essays on a variety of subjects - catagorized by author, subject, or date) Past Articles (Many articles from Creation In the Crossfire - Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Church History, Darwinism, Dinosaurs, Geology, Intelligent Design, Molecular Biology, Paleontology, Radiometric Dating)
Recent Problems in Evolution (Variety of articles on the problems in Evolution)
Creation Science FAQ (The Model, Problems with Evolution, Human Evolution, Creation Science, Myths . . .) Revolution Against Evolution Creation (Over 100 essays by author, on many topics relating to Creationism and Evolution)
Darwinism (Fossils Reject the "Tree of Life," The Burgess Shale Fossils, Physical Obstacles to Transition from Water to Land, Mechanisms of Darwinism, True Natural History, and more) Revolution Against Evolution (Over 100 essays by subject - Ancient literature, astronomy, fossils, intelligent design, paleontology, anthropology, dinosaurs, geology, early man, history, physics, and more)
Discovery Series Monographs Collection (Non-technical monographs written by Dr. Jonathan F. Henry - Days of Creation, Why Do Bad Things Happen?, Dinosaurs, Evolution, Dating, Noah's Flood, fossils) Selected Articles (Many interesting articles on the Bible, history, and creation)
Evolution vs Creation (The Creation vs. Evolution Controversy, assorted articles - Natural Selection, Higher Intelligence, Genetics, Young Moon and Earth, Missing Link, Living Fossils, Dinosaurs, Formation of Fossils) Speciation Conference (Good news for Creationists, By Carl Wieland)
  Stephen E. Jones: creation/evolution quotes, fossil record #2: Sudden appearance & stasis
Frequently Asked Questions Part III Theological Library: Creation (Many articles - creation, evolution, flood, FAQ's, genetics, history, homology, ice age, intelligent design, meteorology, natural selection, genetic variation, radiometric dating, scientific method, age of the universe, evolutionists quotations, gap theory)
Interpreting Earth History (By Stuart E. Nevins, M.S., March 1974) Theory of Evolution (Many articles on the problems with the Theory of Evolution)
Creation - Evolution Forums > Top - Creation vs Evolution (Choose from a list of threads on various subjects) (Debate - Creation Science vs. Evolution Theory)
ASA - September 2000: Re: Evidence Creation Museum (Home Page)
Creation Discussion Forums (Various discussion Forums) Forums - Welcome (Choose from many different forums: Faith, Family, Fun, General, News, Parenting, People, Theology)
CreationEvolutionDesign DCForum+ Version 1.2 - Viewing topics in EVOLUTION (Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry - Choose from many different threads, and 40 different forums)
Creationism Messages (Archives from October 4, 1999 through the present) Evidence for God from Science Discussion Board (Discussion boards on various topics - Science and Theology, Origin of the Universe, Creation verses Evolution, Origin of Life . . .)
Creation Science vs. Evolution Theory (Many threads to choose from - from CreationTalk) Intelligent Design (Your best argument for or against Intelligent Design)
Day-Age Theory > Top
Age of the Earth & Universe - ChristianAnswers.Net (Is the Bible clear about the age of the earth and universe? By, Mark Van Bebber and Paul S. Taylor) Disciplines & Inventions by Creation Scientists (By Dr. Henry Morris, with more links)
Are the evolutionary theory and the Creation account in Genesis One compatible? (By Mike Scott, Mt. Vernon Church of Christ) Gap Theory (Reasons why the Gap Theory, the Day Age Theory, Progressive Creation, and Theistic Evolution are unbiblical)
Day-Age Theory (By Clint Brown)  
Day Age Theory (By Sidney C. Phillips, M.D., 1996) Six Days of Creation (Middletown Bible Church)
Day-Age Theory Revisited (Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.) Theistic Evolution and the Day-Age Theory (By Richard Niessen, March 1980 - ICR)
Evolution > Top
17 Evidences Against Evolution Hugh Ross, ICR, and the Bible (This article shows how Hugh Ross seriously misinterprets Bible doctrines and teachings. This is a must-read article to understand the problems of Hugh Ross' teachings concerning not only Creation, but the Bible as well, by James S. Stambaugh, 1996)
Abiogenesis (Is the Chemical Origin of Life a Realistic Scenario ?) Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology (Many articles, lots of good reading here - Archaeopteryx, Dinosauria, Dromaeosaurids, Evolution, Fossilization, Impact Theories, Extinction Events, Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, News and New Discoveries, Oviraptorids, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, Stolen Fossil Alerts, Tyrannosaurids)
Biblical Evidence Against the Theory of Evolution MP3 - Creation Teaching Audio Recordings - (The Significance of Mutations - Scroll to the bottom of page for the audio link)
BreakPoint: Arguing With Evolution (10-part radio series with basic arguments against evolution - BreakPoint is a ministry of Prison Fellowship, founded by Chuck Colson) Mutations (Short article with a few interesting links)
  Neanderthals (By Curt Suplee, Washington Post)
Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia (Comprehensive list of hundreds of articles - Origin of Stars and Planets, Origin and Age of the Earth, Origin of Life, Evidence Against Evolution) Origin of Life Questions and Answers (Many articles dealing with the problems of Evolution, including a few technical papers)
Creation Model (10 Reasons To Believe) PBS Debate (PBS Debate on Firing Line)
Creation Science Organizations (From The True.Origin Archive - Exposing the Myth of Evolution) Piltdown (Frank Spencer)
Darwin's Dangerous Idea (Darwin's Philosophical Implications, Is Darwinism Anti-Christian ?, Kenneth Miller, Roman Catholic Evolutionist, Stephen Jay Gould and NOMA, Darwin, Lyell and Billions of Years, What is Evolution ?, The Information Problem, What is the Biblical Creationist Model ?, Evolution in Action ? Galapagos Finches, HIV Resistance to Drugs, Is There Bad Design ?, Could the Eye Have Evolved ?, Have Humans Evolved From Ape-Like Creatures ?, Common Structures = Common Ancestry ?, by Jonathan Sarfati) Probability of Abiogenesis FAQs (From The evolutionists' point of view - Talk.Origins Archive)
Does God Exist? Your Foundational Worldview (Explore the evidence - DNA, dinosaurs, uniformitarianism, ID, Big Bang, catastrophism, geology, human evolution, Piltdown Man, Proof of God, Second Law of Thermodynamics) Problems with evolution (Darwin's Black Bos, by Michael J. Behe - Evolution: A Theory In Crisis, by Michael Denton)
Evolution 101 (These lessons are free, by the late Dr. Jolly F. Griggs) Richard Dawkins (Critique of Aspects of the Philosophy and Theology of Richard Dawkins, by Michael Poole)
Evolution - Abiogenesis - Origin of Life (From the evolutionists' perspective -- Darwinism and Evolution - abiogenesis, cell biology, Creationism, biotechnology, health, museums, photo archives, and more . . . .) Scientific American (Point by point response to Scientific American, by Jonathan Sarfati, June 2002)
Evolution and INFORMATION - the Nylon Bug! (Evolutionists attempt to use this weak argument that mutations are beneficial) Scientific Facts Against Evolution (Research and Study Guides)
Evolution (Cells, fossil record, Big Bang Theory, and more) Scientific Facts Against Evolution (Very comprehensive - Three volumes - Many topics)
Evolution Creation Debate (Audio Video Debates, transcripts, reports, debate help and resources) Scientific Facts and Evolution (Evolution Cruncher, Wonders of Nature, guides, Creationists organizations, bookstore)
Evolution Cruncher (Online book with 24 chapters - Evidence of the problems with the Theory of Evolution) SCIENTISTS SPEAK (Evolution Encyclopedia Vol. 3)
Evolution: Fact or Bad Philosophy ? (By Dan W. Reynolds, Ph.D.)  
Evolution from the Creationary Perspective (Introduction to Evolution - Many articles, definition, secular Evolution resources, Evolutionary organizations)  
Evolution (Scientific evidence against Evolution: fossils, horse series, archaeopteryx, birds, genetic experiments, Recapitulation Theory, Origin of Life, whales, duck billed platypus, radiometric dating, carbon 14) The "Ape-men" Fallacy (Reconstructions, Homosapiens, Neanderthal Man, Piltdown Man, Pekin Man, Java Man, South African Ape-Man, Australopithecenes, East Efrican Fossils, Ramapithecus, Lucy)
Evolution Test (10 Questions for your teacher) The Book of Evolution
Evolutionary Theory: the Big Problems! (Challenging Thoughts) The Dubious Apologetics of High Ross (This article explores just some of the incorrect and untrue statements of Hugh Ross concerning scientific issues, by Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Astronomy)
Evolutionary Theory: the Big Problems! (Origin of Life - Fossil Record: Australopithecines, KNM-ER 1470, KP 271, Lucy, Neanderthan Man, Homo Erectus, Java Man, Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man) The Predicament of Evolution (The Predicament of Evolution, written by George McCready Price, 1925, is a public domain book, available for online reading, and downloading)
Evolution vs. Design (Numerous articles includ: Intelligent design, design in the universe, cosmology, design in biology, evolution rebuttals, descent of man, origin of life, problems with evolution, evolution and the Bible, morality) The Problem of Nonfunctional Intermediates (Evolution's fundamental flaw, by Casey Luskin)
Evolution vs. Creationism Home Page (Evolution directory, newsgroup, archive, Creationists sites, other links, books by Charles Darwin, books on evolution) The Profusion of Living Fossils (By Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Hydraulic Engineering)
Exposé of the Genesis Question (This is an excellent article which clearly shows that Hugh Ross is not a Biblical scholar, along with many examples of biblical and scientific errors that Hugh Ross makes regarding Creation and the Bible, by Jonathan Sarfati) The Revolution Against Evolution (Apologetics, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Dinosaurs, Geology, History, Mathematics, Probability, Paleontology, Philosophy, Politics, Theology, and more)
Frequently Asked Questions (Creation, Evolution, and the Bible) The Sterility of Darwinism (By Michael J. Behe)
Genetic Mutations Q&A - Creation / Evolution (Numerous articles concerning mutations - several articles in Spanish) Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ: Part 1B (Comments from the Evolutionist' point of view)
Gert van Maanen, Darwinpage (Many links about Darwin and Evolution - From the Evolutionists' point of view) True.Origin Archive (Exposing the Myth of Evolution, Talk.Origins Archive Rebuttals, Guest Articles on Related Topics, Geology & Radiometric Dating, Biololy, Information Theory, Paleontology, Astronomy, General, Book Reviews, Creationists Answer Their Detractors, Beyond the Limits of Science, Feedback, Online Resources)
Hox Hype (Has macro-evolution been proven ?, by David A. DeWitt, Ph.D., professor of Biology) Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible (By Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., from The True.Origin Archive, Exposing the Myth of Evolution)
Hugh Ross, ICR, and Facts of Science (This article shows some differences between what Hugh Ross believes and teaches, and the traditional and historical teachings of the Bible, by James S. Stambaugh) Why Is Abiogenesis Impossible? (From ChristianAnswers.Net, with excellent references)
Evolution - Creation Links > Top
29 Evidences for Macroevolution - Intro (Critique of Douglas Theobald's article, by Ashby Camp, "Introduction" - True.Origin Archive) David Plaisted's Creation Page (A Creation Perspective - population genetics, micro and macro evolution, protein structure, radiometric dating, cosmology, mutations, Creation Model, problems with Evolution, apes and men, Geology and the Flood)
29 Evidences for Macroevolution - Part 1 (Critique of Douglas Theobald's article, by Ashby Camp, "One Tru Phylogenetic Tree" - True.Origin Archive) Exposé of the Genesis Question (This is an excellent article which clearly shows that Hugh Ross is not a Biblical scholar, along with many examples of biblical and scientific errors that Hugh Ross makes regarding Creation and the Bible, by Jonathan Sarfati)
29 Evidences for Macroevolution - Part 2 (Critique of Douglas Theobald's article, by Ashby Camp, "Past History" - True.Origin Archive) Hugh Ross, ICR, and Facts of Science (Impact #218 - This article shows some differences between what Hugh Ross believes and teaches, and the traditional and historical teachings of the Bible, by James S. Stambaugh)
29 Evidences for Macroevolution - Part 3 (Critique of Douglas Theobald's article, by Ashby Camp, "Evolutionary Opportunism" - True.Origin Archive) Hugh Ross, ICR, and the Bible (Impact #217 - This article shows how Hugh Ross seriously misinterprets Bible doctrines and teachings. This is a must-read article to understand the problems of Hugh Ross' teachings concerning not only Creation, but the Bible as well, by James S. Stambaugh, 1996)
29 Evidences for Macroevolution - Part 4 (Critique of Douglas Theobald's article, by Ashby Camp, "Molecular Evidence" - True.Origin Archive) Living Fossils - Spot the difference (Short articles including the living Anadara bivalve and the fossil Anadara bivalve, Tuatara, Coelacanths, Bulmer's fruit bat)
29 Evidences for Macroevolution - Part 5 (Critique of Douglas Theobald's article, by Ashby Camp, "Genetic Change" - True.Origin Archive) NewCreationism.Org - Articles (Collection of articles - Philosophical debate issues, creation, random challenges to Naturalism, and guest articles)
  The Dubious Apologetics of High Ross (This article explores just some of the incorrect and untrue statements of Hugh Ross concerning scientific issues, by Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Astronomy)
Anti-Creationism Resources (Anti-Creationist Resource Sites, Articles, Online Books -- Home School, Debates, Field Trips, FAQS, Kid's Sites, Literature, Multimedia, Museums, Quotes, Radio and Audio, Research, Video and more - Viewpoints from both sides of the story) The Revolution Against Evolution - Chapter Index (Geology, proteins, DNA, cells, stars, planets, early man, Creation Model, archaeopteryx)
Creation Questions and Answers (Articles on many topics including: archaeology, genetics, geology, history, ice age, astronomy, mammoths, Charles Darwin, dinosaurs, natural selection, probabilities, thermodynamics and order, and more) Top 100 Titles: Evolution & Creationism ("Evolution: A Theory in Crisis," Michael Denton; "Bones of Contention," Marvin L. Lubenow; Stephen Jay Gould; Charles Darwin; "Refuting Evolution," Jonathan Sarfati and Ken Ham; Richard Dawkins, and many more)
Creation Science on the World Wide Web True.Origin Archive (Home Page - Introduction - Archives with Rebuttals including topics: Evolutionist Misconceptions, Thermodynamics, Global Flood, Moon, Creation, Stratigraphy, Geology and the Young Earth, Geologic Column, Dating, Retina, Abiogenesis, Peppered Moth, Homology, Information Theory, Whales, Dinosaurs, Skull KNM-ER 1470, Hugh Ros, and many other links . . .)
Evolutionists Speak Out > Top
12 Quotes from Leading Evolutionists  
Evidence for Creation: FOSSIL RECORD (Includes various topics: Trees Contradicted by Fossils, Embryonic Recapitulation, Transitional Forms Missing, Proposed Links Debunked, Systematic Gaps, Punctuated Equilibrium, Fossils Do Not Support Evolution - Includes quotes by evolutionists) Origins and Complexity of Life (More quotes by Evolutionists)
Evidence For Faith (Dr. Colin Patterson, Albert Fleischman, Dr. S. Lovtrup - Scroll to the bottom of the page for the quotes from these evolutionists) Philosophy Quote Collection (Quotes on Evolution and Creationism)
Evolutionists Speak Out Against Their Theory (Quotes from evolutionists - Agassiz, Bonner, Bounoure, Certitude, Clark, Cohen, Conant, Darwin, Davies, Denton, Eisley, Field, Fleishmann, Fleming, Futuyma, Gould, Gower, Grasse, Hasard, Himmelfarb, Hoyle, Hsu, Hughs, Huxley, Jaki, Jastrow, Kaempffert, Kirk, Lambert, Leith, Lemoine, Lipson, Macbeth, Matthews, Mora, Nilsson, Patterson, Peters, Rosazak, Salet, Simpson, Sullivan, Tahmisian, Thompson, Watson, White, Wickramasinghe) Quotes from Scientists Regarding Design of the Universe (Davies, Eddington, Ellis, Fritz, Greenstein, Harrison, Hawking, Hoyle, Jastrow, Kistiakowsky, Milne, O'Keefe, Parker, Penrose, Penzias, Polyakov, Rothman, Sandage, Schawlow, Tipler, von Braun, Woese, Zehavi)
  Scientists Speak About Evolution 1 (Comments by many scientists who are not creationists)
  Scientists Speak About Evolution 2 (Comments by many scientists who are not creationists)
Fast and Young ! (Interesting insights from the evolutionist, Professor William D. Stansfield) SCIENTISTS SPEAK (Evolution Encyclopedia Vol. 3)
General Evolution of Life Quote Collection (Many scientists, both Creationists and Evolutionists, speak on various subjects concerned with Evolution) Scientists Speak Out Regarding Evolution (Quotations from scientists on Evolutionism - Chain, Crick, Eldridge, Etheridge, Fleischmann, Gould, Hoyle, Matthews, More, Popper, Sunderland, Watson, Wickramasinghe)
Human Evolution (More quotes by Evolutionists, showing the many problems with the Theory of Evolution) The IDEA Club Fossil Record Quote Collection (More quotes about Evolution)
Gap Theory > Top
Closing the Gap (Does the Gap Theory Support a Literal Genesis?, by Ken Ham - ICR) Gap Theory of Genesis Chapter One (Treatise by Jack C. Sofield with good bibliography)
Creation VS Evolution: The Gap Theory Explained (By Mark E. Howerter, "The Other Side of the News") Gap Theory (Reasons why the Gap Theory, the Day Age Theory, Progressive Creation, and Theistic Evolution are unbiblical)
Do You Interpret the Creation Account in Genesis Literally? (By Dave Root) Gap Theory - True or False (The Restitution Theory, The Ruin-Construction Theory, The Pre-Creation and Chaos Theory, by Travis Case)
From the Beginning of Creation - Does Genesis Have a Gap? (By Russell Grigg, 1997, includes audio recording with Geoff Stevens, along with references and notes - Answers in Genesis) Gap Theory (What is the Gap Theory?, by Henry M. Morris)
Gap Theory: An Idea with Holes? (By Henry M. Morris, PhD., December 1987) Genesis: Creation & the Gap (Short study with a PowerPoint presentation download, from the Hope Chapel)
Gap Theory (By Clint Brown) Is the 'GAP THEORY' a possible explanation for the long ages necessary for the Evolutionary theory? (By Mike Scott - Mt. Vernon Church of Christ)
Gap Theory (By Dave Root) Problems with the "Gap Theory" - ChristianAnswers.Net (Is the "Gap Theory" an acceptable way to harmonize the Bible and the geologic record? - Examines problems, evidence, Bible, Hebrew, grammar - with footnotes and illustraions)
Gap Theory (By Sidney C. Phillips, M.D., 1998) The Earth is NOT Billions of Years Old! (By Mark E. Howerter, "The Other Side of the News")
Gap Theory (By W.M.R. Simpson - Abstract, Introduction, A Look at the Language, Contradictions and Confusions, Observations in the Scripture, Consequences and Implications, Conclusion, with footnotes and acknowledgements, from the Logos Word) The Gap Theory (Middletown Bible Church, with helpful drawings)
Gap Theory (Can the geological ages be understood as occurring in a 'gap' between the first two verses of Genesis?) The Vital Importance of Believing in Recent Creation (By Henry M. Morris, Ph.D., June 2000)
Gap Theory (Detailed study with many helpful drawings, from The Middletown Bible Church)
Gap Theory (Examination of major problems with the Gap Theory, includes a PowerPoint presentation which can be downloaded) Understanding the gap theory (What is the gap theory? By, Tom Carpenter)
Gap Theory Has Big Problems! (The Gap Theory is unscriptural, unscientific, and unnecessary) What is the gap theory? (By Helen Fryman - Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry)
Gap Theory - Its Fallacies and Faults (By David V. Bassett, M.S.) What is the "Gap Theory?," Its Origin and History (From ChristianAnswer.Net, with footnotes and illustrations)
Gap Theory - No Support (Background history, position and problems) Why the Gap Theory Won't Work (By Henry M. Morris, November 1997 - Is the Gap Theory possible? - ICR)

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Credits for images - NASA,, Australian Museum Fish Site, Creation Science Resource, Photos by R. Fleshman,, Michael Myers
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