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Andrews Aberrant Teachings

This page is dedicated to listing webpages and teachings that are in conflict with tradtional and historical Christianity - Still under construction - Check back often for more interesting pages . . . . If you have any pages that you would like to see added, or want to report any bad links, contact the Webmaster

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Why the LDS Church is a Cult (Theological Differences Between Christian and LDS Doctrines, by Rich Deem)

Testing the Creation Model of the LDS Church (By Rich Deem)

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Andrews Creationism Index

Dara Duong's Scrapbook

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Andrews Creationism Index first created December 9, 2003 ~ last updated Friday, December 26, 2003

Thanks for stopping by the Andrews Research & Education Website ~ First Created February 1997

If you have any links to share, or bad links to report, please contact the webmaster ïï Always Under Construction! Visit Again Soon!

Credits for images - NASA,, Australian Museum Fish Site, Creation Science Resource, Photos by R. Fleshman,, Michael Myers
Number of visitors since November 9, 2003