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Wade's Tarantula WEB Page

My Tarantulas and Scorpions:

Photo of Goliath Spider
Goliath Bird-eating Spider

My Bolivian Blue-leg is my favorite out of the bunch. She is so gentle! In Anne Webbs Book The Proper Care of Tarantulas it says that anyone who touches or attempts to handle this species is either brave or just plain stupid. I disagree, it seems like if someone writes a book or publishes a Web page and says that some specific species is aggressive everyone tends to agree with them. There is always acceptions to every rule, especially in Tarantula keeping. If you take any aggressive new world Tarantula you will always be able to find a gentle individual. I think more people need to explore and experience things for themselves. In the instance of B. emelia for years everyone thought they were aggressive Tarantulas and were too dangerous to handle because someone did an experiment with their venom on lab rats. B. emelia is one of the most trustworthy spiders anyone can own as a pet. Next to the Honduran Wooly (Curly Hair) and the red knee, you cant ask for a better pet. Heck, maybe what Anne Webb says about people who try to handle Pamphobeteous antinous, just might bee true in my case, maybe I am brave or stupid. I've just purchased a Pamphobeteous fortis that is just as calm as my Bolivian Blue-Leg. I can sit for hours with them in my hand just cruisin' around my hand. They are both just plain sweethearts!!

Mexican Redknee

Brachypelma smithi

I also encourage every Tarantula enthusiast to go and purchase the book that I personaly say is the best book out on the market for collectors and hobbyists to read. The Tarantula Keepers Guide, published by Barrons in 1998. The authors also have an older book out titled the same thing but is published by sterling. It is a good book but, not as good as their new one. Go to your closest pet store and buy it and if they don't carry it bug them for it. I will be updating this page often as soon as I get a digital camera and my scanner set up. Please come back often and and Arachnophile please E-mail me. I love to talk about big hairy spiders known as Theraposids.

Click The Tarantula Keepers Guide to go to the Authors Web Page!

Tarantula links

Societies Web Sites

American Tarantula Society
British Tarantula Society
Dutch Tarantula Society
The Hellenic Arachnid Society
South & West England Tarantula Society
Spider Club of South Africa

Tarantula Web Sites

Anansi's Voice from Asia
Aoife's Tarantula Page
Arachnid Mailing List
Arachnid News
Bill Stanton's Monster Island
Bob's Spider Page
BTD's Tarantula Petting Zoo
Carl Portman's Page
Charlottes Web
Chris's Tarantula Web
Dan the Mans Tarantula Page
Dave's Tarantula Page
Doug's Tarantula Page
Frank's Tarantula Page
Jason's Tarantula Web
Jon's Pet Arachnid & Insect Page
John Taylor's Web Page
Jordan's Tarantula Page
Kingdom of the Spider
Leon Bienvenue's Tarantula Page
Lelles tarantulapage
Leon's Tarantula Page
Mike "troll"Tarantula Page
Micheal Andersen's Web Page
Milwaukee Public Museum
Michelle's Hong Kong tarantula page
MJD Reptiles
National Geographic
Pet Center U.S.A. Arachnid dealer
Popular Pet Tarantulas
Qiuyun's Hong Kong tarantula page
Robert's Tarantula Page
Sean's Tarantula Page
Shohei's Tarantula Page
Spiders and Immunology
Spiders Calgary
Stephen's Tarantula Research Page
Survival Special: Tarantula!
Singapore Tarantula Page
Spyderman's Lair
The Tarantula Files
Tarantulas as Pets
Tarantula Burrow
Tarantula Diary
The Other Side of The Universe
The Tarantulas Nest
Tarantulas In Captivity
Tarantula Planet
The Tarantula Research Page
Tarantumen's Web Page
Teaching Spiders - Lesson Plans for K-1
Trav's Tarantulas
Treetop Tarantulas
The U.S. Tarantula Breeding Directory
The Web
Vivian's Hong Kong tarantula page
Wayne's Tarantulas
Will's Tarantula Web

Dealer Web Pages

Glades Herp
Reptiles & Arachnokulture
The Spider Patch
West Coast Zoological
Whyte Ark Reptile
World Wide Exotics

My Personal Interest Web Pages

Liverpool F.C. - Mighty Reds
Metallica - Metclub
My Brother In-law at B.Y.U.
(My brother) Bill Beresnak's REAL Homepage

Encyclopedia Metallica - CLICK HERE!

Email: Wade