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Pycnogenol For PETS

Scientific studies have concluded that products containing Pycnogenol can significantly improve the health of animals.

Experience health improvements for your PETS & ANIMALS (mammals such as cats, dogs, horses, etc.) Feed your pets & animals the Powerful Nutrient Supplement.

CURRENT HEALTH PROBLEMS will often be greatly improved. Quality of life & vitality are usually improved dramatically.

MANY FUTURE HEALTH PROBLEMS will either be prevented or tend to be greatly reduced in severity (saving costly veterinarian expenses). So begin Pycnogenol Supplementation As Soon As Possible.

Simply FEED your pet or animals adding it to their food or drinking water. Same dosage per pound of body weight as with humans.


ONE RECOVERY....among thousands and growing...

"Temp, a 21 year old National Champion Saddle-bred, was so lame he could not place any weight on his right front leg. The Vet's examination revealed a severely bowed tendon. On a younger horse, it would have been at least two weeks before the vet would know the final outcome. Because of Temp's age, his prognosis was very guarded and the Vet even tried to prepare us for the worst, that of putting him away. Horses do not do well with these types of injuries, particularly when they are this age. The treatment of choice was DMSO, plus a liniment salve and to wrap the injury. Then keep Temp in his stall for at least 10 days where he could not move about. But on the second day, the DMSO, the liniment, and the pain medication were all stopped!

Instead, we decided to give Temp one complete bottle of Pycnogenol and a cream containing ground up Pycnogenol, which was applied each day. The Vet came back on the 3rd day and was totally shocked to see Temp moving about like a 10-year-old horse. The Vet walked Temp around and X-rayed him. He couldn't believe his eyes when the X-ray showed the area around the bowed tendon was not inflamed or was it even remotely tender. When Nick told the Vet he had stopped all the medication, the Vet did not believe him. However, the Vet continued to stop in to see Temp several more times on his own and is still amazed. Temp still gets one bottle of Pycnogenol a day. Temp is "on the Pine and Feeling Fine" just like when he was 9. *Note: The Vet is now using Pycnogenol for himself".

In the promotion of PYCNOGENOL for Pets & Animals, we are not bound by FDA regulations relating to claims. We have tried PYCNOGENOL on cats, dogs, lame horses, ducks, and chickens (egg whites are much clearer, the yolks are more yellow, and stand up more firmly, & the shells are stronger). The effects have been PHENOMENAL. We can say with confidence that your PETS will be healthier, more energetic, happier, and they will tend to live longer with the addition of PYCNOGENOL to their diets! Our remarkable product will beneficially effect all of the diseases associated with the AGING PROCESS in animals.

REFERENCE: Read Dr. Richard A. Passwater's book, PYCNOGENOL The Super "Protector Nutrient" for references to the scientific, double-blind laboratory studies on Pycnogenols efficacy and safety that were performed on lab animals. Mammals only. Pycnogenol will be of benefit to any mammal for which feed supplementation of Vitamin C has been approved by Doctors of Veterinary Medicine and/or animal food manufacturers.

Dr. Passwater's book also reveals the scientific, biochemical reasons why the above-exemplified conditions (and many more) usually show improvements from Pycnogenol Supplementation.



Perfor-Max includes a powerful antioxidant formula combining the strength of Pycnogenol or oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC's). These compounds are 20 times more powerful than vitamin E and 50 times more powerful than vitamin C for quenching certain types of free radicals.

Perfor-Max also includes curcumin, commonly known as turmeric. This herb, which has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years has recently been found to have remarkable antioxidant activity. The combination of curcumin and OPCs makes Perfor-Max the most potent antioxidant formula you can buy.

Retail Price $29.95 for a month's (60 count) supply.

Save $10 per bottle by ordering direct! CLICK HERE


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