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James 2:20-26


Last week as we studied the scripture we found James commenting on a faith that had no works. A faith that was in essence no different than a demon's faith. A faith that produced nothing. A faith that showed reliance and trust to nothing. James is this week concerned with examples of a living faith. Examples of a faith that is alive. Today he takes us to two people who are examples of a living faith. Abraham and Rahab. One a godly man, the other a prostitute. James doesn't want us thinking that only those who are moral and come from good breeding can live by faith. Rahab is Abraham's opposite in life. Abraham is rich, Rahab poor; Abraham is from a good family, Rahab from the gutter; Abraham was moral, Rahab was immoral. Faith that bore the fruit of works came from both.

I want you to think and think hard. Read Hebrews chapter 11 and ask yourself this question. How are you like those described in the chapter? Able offered a better sacrifice. Noah built an ark. Notice the actions that followed great men of faith. Put yourself in that chapter...By faith, George accepted Christ and began his life in Christ. By Faith, George bore witness to his family. By Faith George was baptized. By faith George continued coming to Church even though it was rough for him. Do it now! Write yourself into the faith chapter. You see, James' point is that only real faith can produce real works.

Getting into today's scripture Abraham was such a man. Let's examine his life. Genesis 15. Abraham is old and discouraged that he has no heir. God says to him that he will have a kid. At this, even though he and his wife are senior citizens, Abraham goes. "woo hoo." And the Bible records that Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. It is here in Genesis 15 that the word believe is used for the first time. It stresses the permanence of Abraham's trust. He rested everything on God's Word and kept resting on it by faith.

Abraham received his promise. Isaac was born. And then he was called to sacrifice his only child to God. Something I would not recommend to someone today. Can you see Abraham bringing his son to the mountain and tying up his only son? What do you think Abraham was feeling as he tied up his own flesh and blood and raised the knife? How would you feel? I don't imagine you would be settled and calm. Yet Abraham continued to follow God despite his emotions and feelings.

Here is the example of Abraham's faith. Faith being backed up by the desire to follow God's will. Verse 22 shows an even deeper desire. The words "working together" imply that this incident with Isaac was not the only instance of faith. Abraham walked by faith before, during and after the Isaac sacrifice. His whole life was by faith....Hebrews 11. Abraham constantly followed God's will for his life. You could say that this is the defining characteristic between a moralist and a child of God. A child of God maintains a ministry of caring because it is his nature and he is following God's will. A moralist does caring things because he thinks by being a good guy it gets him somewhere. It gets him nowhere but a place reserved for him in hell. Make no mistake works without faith is as dead as faith without works. They are both part of an indivisible whole. A caring ministry backing up a faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Both working together as illustrated in Abraham and Rahab.

Joshua 2:9-11. Rahab believed God and by faith protected God's people. Rahab leaves open many questions about morality and faith. I don't want to touch on that except for this. While Rahab's faith had called out to God she was still caught up in an immoral lifestyle. Surely she grew more and more discontent with her lifestyle until the day when she would turn from it permanently. An illustration of how we need to work with people despite their sins and their backgrounds. But a woman of faith. She had heard God's Word and works and trusted in Him and not those walls of Jericho. Are you trusting in God as your fortress? Or is there something else in your life that you are looking to for security? Can you easily write yourself into the chapter of faith? If not, will you today commit your heart to Jesus Christ? Will you recommit your life to him so that you may once again begin walking by faith?

Works without faith is dead. Do you have faith in God? Faith that has called out to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Faith that has asked Jesus Christ to enter your heart? Faith that has committed your life to Jesus no matter what it takes. Our lives must begin by a living faith in the Living God, do you have such a faith? If you are not sure why don't you give your heart to Jesus now. "Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and forgive my sins. Give me the gift of eternal life. Change me into a person of faith and help me to turn my life over to you. Make me into the kind of person you want me to be."

Faith without works is dead. Begin now by asking God what he wants you to do! Seek his will. I know some of you may say but it's hard and I don't know when God will talk to me. Think of Abraham. How many years did he wait for his son? God may not speak to us for a while but faith holds on! Faith keeps asking! In the meantime there are many things in the Word of God that He has asked us to do, do them. Begin by reading the Word of God with a desire to do what it asks! Can you do that? Of course you can. Begin today.

Lord Jesus, let me know your will. I want to walk by faith and so fulfill the royal law. Lord Jesus I want to be like you. Speak to me and let me know what your will is for my life. And give me patience to keep asking. Help me walk by faith. You are my Lord and my God. Amen