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The Cougar

Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma's Wisdom Includes:
For the Zunis of Turtle Island (Southwest United States), Cougar was the Master Hunter, known for its high intelligence, its knowledge of other animal and life forms, its physical prowess, its strength of will, and its intuitive ability. Cougar sees the maintenance of its territory as essential for its survival. Poshaiankia, the father of the Medicine Societies, designated Cougar the duty of carrying messages from humans to the higher spirits, because of this animal’s personal power, superior knowledge, strength of will, and steadfastness. Therefore, Cougar represents the link between ourselves and the most powerful spirits in Zuni Mythology: Mother Earth, Father Sky, and the Originator of All.

From Sun Bears Medicine Wheel: Cougar People
The Spirit Keeper for the Moons of the North is Waboose. The spirit keeper is the White Buffalo, the season is winter, the time of day is midnight, and their color is white. The powers of the North are purity and renewal
People born under this moon are COUGAR people. These people, like the cougar, are cautious, not willing to reveal themselves until they are sure of those around them. The are just, intuitive, gentle, mysterious and creative. They hunt for spirituality and like ceremony. They are patient and healing. They are emotional and silent in their feelings. They feel others dont understand them and seek ways to communicate better. They have a keen sense to impending chaos. They are territorial. They must learn to have a sense of reality, and are easily hurt. Thier plant is the Plantain, their color is blue-green their mineral is Turquose, and their elemental clan is the Frog Clan.