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Night Force


Night Force

1. No one joins with out the Master Lord saying so.
2. No PKing. Cheating and dupeing are aloud.
3. No cheating to get levels.

Slave=Under traning with help(sometimes): Level 1-5 to reach this rank
Squire=Under traning with help if they choose to have it: Level 5-10 to reach this rank
Hero=Goes on quest with or with out help must finish last quest to move on (see bottom of ranks): Level 10-20 to reach this rank
Knight=PKK with or without help: Level 20-35 to reach this rank
Lord=A master PKK no help unless he\she asks: Level 35 and up to reach this rank
Master Lord=the creater of the clan


I have tought of one quest only if you think of some plz e-mail me
Last quest Kill Diablo On Nightmare Diffucluty

This is my warcraft 2 guild SOON TO BE warcraft platienum
Members page
This is my links page NOT ALL DIABLO SITES
E-mail me your Char name, Level, class and you also must say you agree to the rules
or get me on ICQ my # is 23254532
this is my other link page ITS GOOD!!!