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Snip! Snip! Those pesky hair pixies!

"Pssssssst, get over here!" Marianne called out to Nutmeg. She had been working on getting JD absolutely drunk and it had been hours now. He finally had dropped to the floor in a heavy slumber and the two pranksters dragged him up to his room. Joanie was elsewhere, with Chris and going about the same thing, though he was taking a bit longer to fall asleep. Marianne then came down to check on Joanie and Chris and to her delight he had finally passed out.

"Did you leave Nut alone with JD?" Joanie whispered from one side of Chris.

"Yup, she's takin' care of him," Marianne replied from his other side as they hauled Chris up the stairs.

"Never realized how easy and rewarding this was, I should've joined you two earlier," Joanie commented, laughter twinkling in her eyes.

"Honey, the fun has just begun, and these boys make it all worth the while." They plunked Chris down in a chair and Marianne handed Joanie their instrument of destruction. "How are you at getting it all even?"

"I'm okay I guess, why don't we put his hat on and trim from there?"

"Hey, I never thought of that, good idea. You finish up with him, I'll go check on Nut."

Nutmeg hummed softly as she crept around JD slowly, fiddling around near his head. Marianne sneaked in and looked at her pard's handiwork. "Not bad if I say so myself," Nutmeg exclaimed and Marianne nodded in agreement. "Come on let's move him to the bed." The snickered evilly and put JD down gently, not forgetting to cover him up snug as a bug. They looked down at him and sighed, impure images forming in their corrupt minds.

"Where'd you learn to use them things so well?" Marianne inquired as the walked out into the hall and towards Chris' room.

"I'd say the circus, but don't think you'd believe me," Nutmeg responded and they laughed. The silently entered the room of Mr. Larabee and Joanie got up from his lap looking as if she had just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "I reckon you're done," Nutmeg grinned and Marianne punched Joanie playfully on the shoulder.

"Good let's make tracks then," Marianne began after they had put Chris into bed, "there's a place and time for everything Joanie." Joanie just sighed wistfully and they strode out the door, linked arm in arm.

Morning came not so peacefully to the small town of Four Corners, two angry gunslingers were on the prowl. They spotted their prey sitting outside of the saloon chatting amiably amongst themselves. Buck walked out of the Saloon and looked at the disgruntled pair.

"Something wrong with your hair boys?" Buck asked. Vin joined him on the boardwalk smiling and Josiah soon followed.

"Wearin' that hat a little low ain't we JD?" Vin noted and JD glared down at the three women sitting on the bench. Nathan came up from behind, Ezra at his side.

"Seems like you boys have had a visitation by the hair shearing pixie's of the night," Ezra commented dryly and the others broke into grins.

"You ladies wouldn't have had anything to do with this now would you?" JD inquired sternly, missing his messy long locks of wavy black hair.

Chris just took of his hat, running a hand through his shorter blonde hair, his eyes now in clear view and not hidden by his overly long bangs.

"Nope," Marianne replied seriously and Joanie nodded in ascent. They got up simultaneously and Nutmeg followed slowly, pushing her way through the men. The seven watched them closely and in unison the ladies pulled out scissors from their gun belts, fired, blew off the imaginary smoke, spun them ‘round their fingers, and then neatly landed them back in their holsters.

"Nice doin' business with y'all," Nutmeg called back over her shoulder and then broke into a run with her pards, as Chris and JD followed hot on their heels.

"PIC's," Joanie huffed, "in the words of our darling Mr. Tanner, ‘this job gets better everyday.'"

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Chris' Picture Gallery
JD's picture gallery
