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Ronelle's First Prank

This is a prank by a friend of mine. Ronelle the Infernal Vixen anyway, any and all feedback gets sent to . Thanks! Marianne, the Magnificent Prankster

It was a nice day in Four Corners. The sun was out, and everybody was in a pretty good mood. Everybody included Marianne, Nutmeg, and Joanie. They were the resident pranksters of Four Corners.

"Mornin'." Josiah said as he strode past them on his way to continue fixing up the church.

"Mornin'." The three of them replied in stereo, and offered sweet smiles.

"So, how do we know when our new partner in crime arrives?" Joanie asked her two pals.

"Well, she said in her letter 'just watch for the girl on the big strawberry roan with a donkey in tow.'" replied Marianne.

"You mean like that one?" Nutmeg said, pointing up the street. They took a look. Coming up the street was a horse and rider. The rider was dressed in faded blue denim and a slightly beat up hat. Her horse, a gigantic beast that looked to be part draft animal, certainly fit the description in the letter. And she did have a donkey on a lead rope.

The rider caught sight of the three of them looking at her and rode over.

"Might you three be the renowned Pranksters of Four Corners? Marianne, Nutmeg, and Joanie?" she asked.

"That we are." replied Nutmeg. "You must be Allison Catherine, also known as,"

"Allie Cat." finished the girl. "And my faithful steed Tiny and my donkey Tabasco." The three pranksters grinned at the names of her animal companions.

"Well, I'm Nutmeg, and this is Marianne," she gestured to her left and Marianne waved, "and this is Joanie." Joanie nodded by way of greeting.

"Good to meet y'all." Said Allie Cat. "Say, is there a good place to put up these two? They're both pretty tired. It's a long trip from Iowa."

"Livery's at the end of the street." Said Nutmeg. "We'll take you there."

"Mighty kind of you." Said Allie Cat as the three of them led the way.

"So, you came all the way from Iowa?" said Joanie. "That's quite a trip."

"It is." said Allie Cat. "But the scenery's awful purty."

"I see your brand is the IV." Said Marianne. "I'm just curious, but does that stand for anything?" Allie Cat grinned as she took Tiny's saddle off.

"Well, I and V were the initials of my uncle, Ian Vesston. And we do have lot of ivy at home. But, in my mind, it means Iowa Vixen." she replied.

"I'm a Vixen too!" said Marianne.

Allie Cat smiled. "Vin should feel so special, being adored by ladies such as us." she said, putting Tabasco into a stall. "Now, to the saloon. I need a drink."

"Right this way." Said Nutmeg. The four of them walked down the boardwalk and entered the saloon. They spied their Auntie Mama at a table and elected to join her.

"Hello, ma'am." Said Allie Cat politely. "I'm Allie Cat from Iowa."

"Nice to meet you, Allie Cat." Auntie Mama Kara said. "But none of that ma'am stuff, understand? You call me Auntie Mama Kara."

Allie Cat grinned, showing a full set of teeth, three of which were gold.

"Okay." She said. Just then, Buck, Ezra, JD, and the rest of the guys strode in. And promptly stopped in their tracks.

"Oh dear God, they've multiplied." Said Ezra. Marianne threw him a dirty look.

"That's no way to speak about a lady." She said.

"If she's with you four, she's more wolf than lady." Interjected JD.

"AAHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Allie Cat howled obligingly.

Instantly, every dog within earshot howled in response. The Prank pack grinned. The guys sat down, doing their best to ignore the racket.

"So, do any of you feel like helping me out with a prank?" Allie Cat asked.

"Who do you have in mind?" asked Jo. Allie Cat grinned.

"Well, the one in the silly hat struck my fancy." Allie Cat said. The Pranksters grinned.

"What do you need us to do?" Nutmeg asked.

"Just make sure all the other guys are occupied with something tomorrow morning." Allie Cat said. The Pranksters nodded.

"Sure thing." Said Marianne.


The next morning dawned bright and cheery in Four Corners. True to their word, the four Pranksters had all the guys occupied doing something.

"So, Marianne, what'd you have Vin go and do?" Allie Cat asked her new pal.

"I've got him fixing my saddle for me." said Marianne. "And Ezra's teaching Jo calligraphy."

"Josiah, Nathan, Buck and Chris are helping Auntie Mama Kara fix up her roof." Reported Nutmeg.

"Lucky lady." Said Allie Cat. "It's hot, so they might have their shirts off."

"That leaves JD." Said Marianne. "with whatever prank you played on him." Cat was about to reply, but spied JD striding rapidly up the boardwalk.

"Speak of the devil." Said Nutmeg.

"Somethin' wrong, JD?" Allie Cat asked sweetly.

"My horse is gone." He replied.

"That was your horse that ran off this morning?" Allie Cat said. JD gave her a confused look. "There was a horse in the street early this morning. I tried to catch him, but he ran off." JD swore loudly, then apologized for using such language in the presence of ladies.

"Can I borrow somebody's horse to go and catch him?" he pleaded.

"Black is being re-shod, or I'd lend him to you." said Marianne.

"Cody's got a big split in his hoof, and he's hurting. Sorry." said Nutmeg. JD looked at Allie Cat.

"Well, Tiny's pretty footsore from the long trip, but you can borrow Tabasco if you want." she said. "He can walk the legs off any horse."

"Well . . ." said JD doubtfully.

"I guess you can always walk, too." Said Nutmeg. "but the longer you stand here trying to decide, to further away that horse can be."

"Okay, I'll ridethestupiddonkey." JD muttered. The Pranksters all hid grins as they steered him to the livery, where Allie Cat put a rope halter on Tabasco.

"Here you go." she said, presenting him with the end of the lead rope.

"Don't I get a saddle?" asked JD.

"I don't have a mule saddle." Allie Cat replied, "and a normal horse saddle don't work for donkeys." JD looked doubtfully at the diminutive little animal.

"You sure he's strong enough?" he asked.

"Tabasco's strong as an ox." Allie Cat replied. JD looked back at the little donkey, who lifted his head and hee-hawed loudly in his direction.

"Oookay then." JD said, and swung aboard the small beast. His feet nearly dragged on the ground. "Uh, giddy up." he said, and tapped Tabasco's sides with his heels. The little donkey took off into a trot. "Woa." commanded JD. Instantly, the little animal stopped. JD, off balance, flew off over his head. He got up, dusted himself off, and got back on. He was soon out of town.

" I really hope he doesn't trot like that for too long." Marianne said. "That could get painful."


It was early afternoon when JD returned to Four Corners, riding his horse bareback leading and Tabasco. The Pranksters, now increased to five, spied him coming up the street. He parked his horse at the hitch rail, dismounted, and handed Tabasco's lead rope to Allie Cat.

"Thanks for lending him to me, but just the same, remind me to never borrow him again." he said in a strained voice.

"In pain, are you?" Allie Cat said mildly.

"Yes, and a lot of it." he replied, and walked painfully into the saloon.

"Allie Cat, I think the Darlins are going to be upset with you." admonished Auntie Mama Kara.

"Why?" asked Allie Cat. "Because I injured JD so they can nurse him back to health? I didn't think that they would mind too terribly."

"You do have a point." said Marianne. "So, how do we get Vin on that donkey of yours?" The Pranksters, Tabasco included, hee-hawed with laughter.


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