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The Hat Elves strike again


"SHHHHH!" A voice hissed and the two behind her stopped whispering. Marianne turned to face her two co-horts and frowned. "Vin'll hear you two!" She said lowly.

Joanie and Nutmeg made matching faces of irritation.

"Come on Pard, he's not THAT good." Nutmeg said softly.

"He's no Sentinel." Joanie piped up.

Marianne raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes I wonder. Seen him shoot lately?"

Her two Partners-In-Crime shrugged. The trio resumed their creepin' towards Vin's room.

At the door Marianne stepped back to allow Nutmeg to work her magic on the lock. "you got it?" She asked meaningfully of the Rookie Prankster.

Joanie nodded and patted her backpack. "Carefully and lovingly stored away. Ready for action."

Marianne nodded. "good"

Nutmeg heard a small click and turned to nod at her friends. Joanie lifted IT from her bag and handed it over to Marianne who crept into the room.

The duo waited outside keeping a sharp lookout for any possible members of the Seven who might wander by.

Minutes later Marianne returned and eased the door shut, handing something to Joanie as she did so.

"What took you so long?" Joanie whispered.

"Vin was asleep." Marianne said with a smile. "he's adorable when he's asleep."

"When do you not think he's adorable?" Joanie countered nearly making Nutmeg laugh.

Marianne frowned. "Oh get going you two fore he wakes up and shoots the three of us."

Fortunately Vin Tanner did not stir until the next morning.

The three Pranksters were sitting in the restaurant eating breakfast hen Vin entered and immediately walked to their table.

When they didn't notice he cleared his throat. This brought the others attention to them.

"Yes Vin?" Marianne asked sweetly.

"Somethin' we can do for ya?" Nutmeg asked in an equally sweet tone.

"Have a seat darlin," Joanie coaxed.

Vin dropped down into a chair and tossed his hat onto the table. "notice anything?" He asked casually.

"Notice?" all three chimed.

"About the hat!" Vin encouraged.

The trio eyed the hat.

"Needs a wash?" Joanie supplied helpfully.

"Mending on the top?" Nutmeg asked examining it closely.

"Needs new strings?" Marianne offered with a shrug.

"Besides that?" Vin said wearily.

The trio shared a look then chorused. "Nope."

Vin sighed in frustration. They were not going to make this easy. "Perhaps this note will clear things up?" He said tossing a folded piece of paper onto the table.

"Hello, we're the elves. Yeah I know we normally do shoes but we saw that pinbox you called a hat and decided to help ya out. With a hat big enough for your head." Nutmeg read with a giggle.

"You three wouldn't know anything 'bout this now would'ya?" Vin inquired.

All three looked perfectly serious for a moment then burst out laughing. Vin shook his head and rising, walked over to the table where the Seven sat.

"And all that was?" Chris asked.

"One of those three..."Vin began.

"I'd wager all were equal participants." Ezra broke in dryly.

"Those three," Vin amended. "Snuck into my room last night and switched my new hat with my old hat."

The rest of his friends hid chuckles.

"Well pard I reckon that hat wasn't to popular with the Vixens or the List." Buck mused.

All nodded.

"Look on the bright side Vin. Ya got your hat back and came out of this prank without a fake shiner." Nathan said grinning. This proved to much for the rest of the seven who all started laughing.

Across the way the three pranksters grinned at each other.

"So..." Joanie piped up. "Who's Next?"

Marianne and Nutmeg grinned.

"I like her." Nutmeg said cheerfully.

"Toldya she'd fit right in." Marianne returned with a smile. "Welcome aboard Primmer!"

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