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"You know we seem to be pulling a lot of pranks when they're asleep." Joanie commented to her two friends.

Marianne grinned. "Less chance of getting caught." She whispered before they ducked into the room.

It was only a second or two then they returned. Nutmeg bearing a small bag. The trio shared a wicked chuckle then scurried off in opposite directions, Nutmeg giving the bag a toss into an alley.


"TARNATION!!!!!!!!!" Buck Wilmington's voice could be heard throughout the hotel. "THOSE LITTLE VIXENS!!" (Not Vin's just vixens) The door slammed open and Buck came rushing out a bag in one hand and a note in the other. He stormed into the saloon looking for the three culprits but they were no where in site. However there were three Mexicans in the corner with their sombreros pulled down to obscure their faces. But Buck being Buck took no notice of them.

"Somethin' Wrong Buck?" Chris drawled.

Buck tossed the bag and note down in front of his friends and dropped heavily into the chair next to Josiah.

Chris picked up the note and immediately began laughing. "The girls got you huh?"

JD reached into the bag and pulled out what looked like a large white diaper! "What the heck is this?" He inquired of his friend.

Buck just grumbled and flushed.

Chris meanwhile was laughing to hard to read the note so he passed it to Josiah who likewise began laughing. Unable to read it himself he passed it to Nathan who managed to contain his laughter.

"Dear Mr. Wilmington, we of Attends Undergarments were informed that you seemed to have a serious bladder control problem. So we have decided to help you out by donating these absorbent undergarments to allow you a freedom from the embarrassing and unpredictability of your affliction. We sincerely hope you will be well soon. Sincerely Maxwell Hallaway." Nathan made it to the name then lost it. Laughing so hard tears ran down his cheeks.

And he wasn't alone of the Seven men at the table six were laughing. Buck was simply steaming.

Then through the laughter he picked up on a distinctly feminine giggle. The giggle came from under one of the sombreros.

Instantly Buck knew where the Pranksters had gotten to.

Scrambling from his chair he darted over to the table and yanked off the first Mexican's hat.

Joanie Primmer gazed back sheepishly one hand over her mouth.

Marianne and Nutmeg tossed off their sombreros and looked at each other.

"The jigs up." Marianne announced hurriedly. "RUN FOR IT!"

The three young women managed to escape Buck and raced out the door with the handsome scoundrel in hot pursuit.

"GIT BACK HERE!!!!" He roared.

The remainder of the seven watched him go still chuckling.

"You know with those three around things'll never be dull here." JD announced. "They're too much fun!"

"You say that now kid." Vin said wisely. "Wait till they mess with your hat and your love life again."

JD gripped his hat and looked around, alas Casey was no where in sight. "You think?" He asked worriedly.

"I sincerely doubt it Mr. Dunne." Ezra drawled. "They rarely use the same style of prank twice. At least, not with the same victim."

JD nodded understanding as Buck raced past the doors still chasing the women. (Buck chasing women...who'dve thunk it?)

"How long fore he stops you reckon?" Vin inquired calmly. "Marianne wanted me to read something for her..."

Outside Marianne, Nutmeg and Joanie changed direction and ran back the way they'd come, Buck still in hot pursuit.

Chris grinned. "I'd say Buck'll get tired soon."

"Either that," Josiah said suddenly."Or he'll have to go to the privvy."

At this they lost it and began laughing again as Buck tried in vain to catch the Pranksters.

I love my job.


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