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Shawna's Prank On Chris

It was quiet for once thank God Chris mumbled to himself. He walked up the stairs to his room and fell into the bed. Three days of hard riding, hot sun and no sleep made the Hardened gunslinger bone weary. He quickly shed his clothes (take a deep breath girls) and went instantly asleep.

Meanwhile downstairs Shawna, Marianne, Nut, and Jo were whispering downstairs.

"You ready?" asked Marianne.

"Yeah I guess." Shawna answered her. " Got the needle and thread ready to go."

" Okay you think you can handle this alone."

"Yeah, he looked all tired out plus the sleeping powder I put in his drink should keep him out for awhile. "

"Okay so get going."

Shawna scrambled up to the room and picked the lock just like Nut had showed her. She snuck into the room. She crept over to the bed and pulls out the needle and thread and started to sew. She got the sheet hooked to the mattress then finished with small stitches.

Finished she snuck out of the room locked it behind her and went downstairs.


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The Prank Page
