
She's Dreaming...

» 10*20*00 «
Hello, I still have a plain layout up, but it'z cute! I don't have anything *NEW* right now. It's hard for me to get anything done. I really need to do well in school. Why? Cause I'm a SENIOR and I want to graduate! I have my other Digimon layout up for grabs so go an get it! I might change the name Only In Dreams to Sugar Hi*, you can take a vote in the Mini Poll. On November 1st "Only In Dreams" or possible named "Sugar Hi*" will be shut down to move into it's new *DoMaIn* which would be 2 weeks the most. So keep voting on the *dOmAiN* name! I now have 268 Kaok Kuties up! ^_~ N-Joi!

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