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Missing in the land of the free

    If you don't already know our Country has an epidemic
that is pleaquing the land free. The Predators are preying
on our
children, wives, daughters, husbands, sons, sisters, brothers.

    In California alone over 1,000 Predators are released from our
prisons and mental wards every month. This means that there is over 1,000 Predators moving into our safe zones every month
this ups your chances of one of these predators moving into
your safe zone. How do we expect these predators to be released and follow the law when they are sentence and put into a cage like an animal (Not that I care because far as I'm concerned its to nice of treatment) reality is no rehabilitation causes for more victims. Is there Rehabilitation in Violent Offenders?                                     

Three strikes your out?     
This is appalling to us, how can this be?
So these predators have three chances of getting caught victimizing
our innocence three times before a life sentence up held.             Even then when one of these predators finally murder we pay for them on death row for 20+ yr. before the sentence is up held  or carried out. Did there victims get the same                           chances? Same Choices? Same appeals?

I think not. Texas, at least we know a death sentence means exactly that death not appeal, appeal, appeal, appeal. Maybe the rest of the Land of the free should follow Texas Death Penalty Laws & Codes. Seems they are setting precedence on this law. Death means Death.


When is enough enough? If it was 1900's it would be a public spectacle. They simple would hang them for all to see.                          ~No more victims from that preditor~

                             I'm not sure what it is gonna take for this country to become safe again for our future generation. I'm not sure who will be the next victim. You, Me!!! It could be. Your not safe, You must always be on guard. We are buying alarms for our homes, bars for our windows, guns, pepper spray, stun guns, screamers just in case we need them. We are finger printing our children, coming in a dusk, surveillance cameras. Is this Freedom? Is this the way our founders wanted the

Land Of The Free to turnout to be?

Think about this. Its getting worse for our future generation, the time is now to take a stand against this type of crimes that rip families apart, turn communities upside down The time is now its time to put a stop to this madness plaguing our land.                     

Remember this is only my opinion and how I feel on the three strikes, death penalty, violent predators laws. This is no reflection on any organization or group, My thought only.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and its up to us,