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Poem 1


You have given me,

Wings to fly

Taught me to feel

From deep inside.

All forms of emotions,

Came pouring out.

It just took you,

To show me the route.

You cleared the clouds,

From my mind,

And gave me the feelings,

I could never find.

You planted within me,

Just some tiny seeds.

Then plowed and sowed,

And pulled out the weeds.

You've made me strong,

From your words alone.

And feelings have flooded,

From what you've shown.

Poem 2

You touch me inside,

Where a love grows deep.

Where I once was lacking,

A mountain grows steep.

The rivers flow,

Far and wide.

They run to the ocean,

To become the tide.

The lightning flash,

And the thunders roar,

Makes my heart race

And my body soar.

All natures creations,

Loose all their shine.

When you bring your heart,

Closer to mine.

Milady Rain


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Poetry page 4 (dedicated to Paddy)

Poetry page 6

Poetry page 7

Poetry page 8

Poetry page 9

Poetry page 10

Poetry page 12 (Dedicated to my son Joseph, lovingly called Baby Joe~Dec.13,1991-May,31,1993)

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