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I dedicate this, to an Irish man who has deeply touched my life, to his country, struggling for freedom, and to a world we live in that is desperate for peace.

Paddy, for you...


We all live on one Planet,

Given to us by God above.

We need to learn tolerance,

And show our fellow man love.

Color, Race, Creed and Religion,

Need not play a part,

For all you need to live,

Comes from within the heart.

Together, in unison,

We can be a strong people,

Divided and at arms,

Only leaves us feeble.

In all the world around us,

There are choices to be made,

Why is there choosing of violence,

Of prejudice and rage?

Band together, our fellow man,

Lets all the world unite,

For peace and harmony,

Is a much better fight!

Milady Rain 1998

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Poetry page 12 (Dedicated to my son Joseph, lovingly called Baby Joe~Dec.13,1991-May,31,1993)

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