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ISAIAH 6:8 {Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom will go for us, and Who will I send?" I answered saying "Here I am send me!"}



Created by Page master Isaiah! 06/09/200203/07/2001 Copyright 1997 ® All rights reserved

Hello Jon Q. Public a short bio on myself I am an from South Lake Tahoe California. I was born on 8/26/78 My family consists of my wife Helena who I married on 10/28/2003 , my mom and dad, three brothers and a sister. I enjoy Mtn. biking, skiing, hiking, reading, traveling , juggling,  and working on computers.

My wife and I are currently residing in beautiful South Lake Tahoe, we are working with our youth group. We are helping take them on a short term missions trip in San Francisco with YWAM Mission Adventures. We are also waiting on the Lord for the next step in our life. 

One life changing thing we have done is the "Financial Peace University" by Dave Ramsey. It is a course that teaches you how to handle your finances. Since taking that is has brought us to a point where we should be out of debt within the next two years.

My heart is for missions. I was on full time staff  with YWAM Denver. For just under 3 years. If you do not know what "YWAM" or Youth With A Mission is, it is the one of the worlds largest missionary organization, with over 900 operating locations world wide. I first got involved with YWAM at YWAM Richardson Springs California doing several camps and two "Summer Of Services" there. After a while the Lord led me to YWAM Denver. where I did my Discipleship Training School or DTS. for short. Two years after my DTS. I returned to YWAM Denver to do my Phase II which is their leadership school. I Went  on staff with YWAM Denver On January 5, 2000. I left staff in September of 2002. I served in various forms on staff, from maintenance to the kitchen. In January and February of 2001 I went on my first missions trip as staff. We went to two West African countries. My life was changed forever by that trip.