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Welcome to The Harpy Nest!

"Thank you for helping us find homes for these poor abandoned babies." -- The Adoption Staff

The harpy adoption system was designed by Sennymay the Rogue and a fellow harpy after a severe case of child (egg) abandonings throughout the Harpy Nest. Too many eggs were being laid, and thus were put up for adoption. The "adopt a harpy" system is similar to the "adopt a gryffen" (designed by a young lady from the Milky Way galaxy with whom we have lost contact), and "adopt a chocobo" (designed by Thaaron, visit it here). Our system, however, features weekly activities, training practices, tests and test scores, and over six different growing stages for the young harpies. You also have the option of naming, teaching, and giving a  profession to your harpy, which will determine how the harpy will look and act as she grows up.

Since we are still new to this kind of programme, our methods are yet to be perfected. However, the newest "prototypes" are available for adoption! So, take one of the below links to Adopt A Harpy!

Sincerely, Harpy Staff.

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Last Updated: June 11, 2000.

The "Adopt A Harpy" programme is Copyright © Sennymay 1998 - 1999.