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Alter Ego: Garfield Logan
Occupation: Professional Adventure
Martial Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mark & Marie Logan (parents, deceased), Rita Farr (adoptive mother, deceased) Steve Dayton (adoptive father)
Group Affiliation: The Doom Patrol, New Teen Titans
Base of Operations: Titans Tower, Manhattan, New York
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green


As a child, young Garfield Logan was brought to the African Country of Upper Lamumba by his parents, scientists Mark and Marie Logan. Once there, young Gar mysteriously caught a rare tropical disease, Sakuita, that only animals could survive. To save his dying son, Professor Logan treated the infant with an untested machine he developed to isolate the common genetic bond between humans and animals.

Garfield Logan was cured, but his skin took a permanent green pigment and his body underwent an even more startling change. Gar discovered that he could alter his body into the form of any animal he could think of.

Years passed, and after Mark and Marie Logan died in a boating accident, King Tawaba, chief of a local tribe, raised the child.

But Gar's animal-changing powers brought him to the attention of several criminals who used him to commit various crimes. Soon after the criminals died, Logan and his trust fund were put into the hands of an unscrupulous guardian named Galtry.

Logan remained with Galtry, hating his guardian, until he met Rita Farr and her new husband Steve Dayton. Wanting to adopt the young shape-shifter, Farr and Dayton waged a court battle against Galtry. They won and adopted Logan.

Calling himself Beast Boy, Logan joined the Doom Patrol and fought alongside this famed team of heroes until Farr, Larry Trainor, Niles Caulder, and Cliff Steele apparently died at he hands of a former member of the Brotherhood of Evil, Madame Rouge, and a nazi war criminal General Zahl. Later on, Gar Logan learned that Cliff Steele was the sole survivor of the Doom Patrol. Young and brash, Gar answered the summons when Hollywood called, and got a job playing the alien metamorph Tork on the television show Space Trek 2022. But TV fame was fleeting and the show was soon canceled.

Back to living with Steve Dayton, Gar who now was calling himself Changeling, soon joined another group of super-hero adventurers, this time a group closer to his age, the Teen Titans. Where he has remained a member ever since, and developed an unrequited attraction towards Tara Markov.

Powers and Weapons

Garfield Logan has the unique ability to change his form into that of any animal he can picture in his mind. The smaller the animal, the longer Gar is able to keep the shape. The greater the animal's mass the shorter time Gar can hold that form.
