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Flex and his Girl

Hi and welcome to our page.

For those of you who don't know us we are John(flexman)and Louisa(flexsgirl).We can usually be found in The Attic, if you don't know where that is check out the links below.

Here is a little info about us:We are from Ontario,Canada. We have two kids, Chantelle who is 9 and Zachery who is 21 months.In our spare time we like to go out on our boat or snowmobiles(seasonal) and watch alot of movies.Oh and we love to watch football(John would kill me if I forgot the are really BIG
fans.Go ahead and call us cheeseheads,we don't mind.


I would like to say a big Thank You to Chef Rick.I love the banner you made for me(in all my confusion) it was greatly appreciated.To view The Chef's page click on the banner below.

hugs and kisses to all our friends in the attic and mplayer.You know who you are.*wink*We have a blast with you guys. Thankx for being such goofy people!!!

This is us on our wedding day!!!
Yes at McDonalds!!

This Year us with Santa and the Kids

Ummm about the guestbook, it ain't workin. So don't worry about trying to sign it.

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This is the PACK puttin the squeeze on the crappy 49ers

The boys who get the job done for the PACK Reggie & Brett

Favorite Links

angelfire-easiest free homepages
the attic-there are really great people here
mplayer-come have a ball(bring your microphone)
Chef Rick's-Check out his kitchen and banners
Angelsheart's Page-Queen of the Midis