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Welcome to the Final Fantasy Organization Webpage!

Welcome to the webpage of the Final Fantasy Organization! We are a group that has to do with every Final Fantasy Game ever made. If you want to join, just click the mailbox below.  Our leader is and our vice president is

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XGFeiFWong, Ninjasnake, and I, Jklebs9225 are the creators and editors of this website, so if you have any questions or comments, feel free to mail us. Actually, Ninjasnake was kicked out...but the little fool stole our pictures and music, so we think he is brainless scum. -_- E-mail us!

We are a club about all Final Fantasy games made, we meet every Saturday at 6:00 pm Pacific standard time, in the AOL private chat room: FFOrg. Our ranking system is based on EXP, the more you have, the higher rank you are. (Hey Luigi, give me some more EXP for starting this page!)

JKlebs is truly the Dreadnought of Chicanery. ^__^

Final Fantasy Pictures

Final Fantasy Chat

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More picture pages are soon to come!

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