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DRAGONFLY MKII project for sale


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A friend of mine bought this project from a friend of his,   several years ago.  Family and job pressure caused him to abandon the project before ever getting started.   He asked me to help his sell it,  and I did him one better.  I bought it from him so he wouldn't  have to wait for his money,  and so I would not have to act as a middle man. 


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There is no canopy nor cowl with this project.


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The fuselage is completely glassed on the inside,  and anywhere where additional pieces are to be applied,  peal ply has been installed per the plans.


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The canard shown here,  is sitting on top of the wing.


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Bondo blocks are still attached to both the wing and canard.


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Elevators are cut.  Ailerons are cut and glassed.


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Canard is MKII with gear boxes installed,  built per plans with sight dihedral (flat on top).


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There was a bit of damage to the side of the fuselage when we transported it from his house to my hanger.  Nothing that a little dry micro can't fix. 

The entire exterior needs attention.  The project has been garaged all these years,  so there's been minimal UV exposure,  but the open cell foam has seen it's share of dust.  A good washing,  a light sanding,  and a bit of attention to all the small nicks and scratches is about all that's needed to get the foam back in shape.  ...speaking of shape,  the bottom corners of the fuselage still need to be shaped.


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The fuselage is completely glassed on the inside,  and anywhere where additional pieces are to be applied,  peal ply has been installed per the plans.

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The quality of the work is very good.


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The canard has not been installed.   The parts needed to align and install the canard are built with peal ply on the attaching surfaces,  and ready to install.


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Ok... so the wing tips are a bit unusual...


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...So cut them off and install new ones.

It appears as if the original builder intended to install landing lights here.   Bad idea.  The light will reflect off the canard.


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I've not done an inventory,   nor do I plan to.  It appears as if all the hardware is present,  as well as all the other materials.  I will not make any warranty as to the parts count.   It's up to the buyer to inventory and make a decision to buy on not,  based on his findings.

I'm selling this project WAY below market value to offset any missing items... if there are any.

If I were to take the time to inventory and make sure everything was included,   I'd be adjusting the price (upward) accordingly.


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Close up look at the Ken Brock hardware.  It contains dual rudder pedals,  center stick,  and passenger's right hand stick


If you have questionss, email me. Patrick Panzera
or call (559) 584-3306

The project is located in Hanford CA

This page last updated May 21, 2000