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Our Time

We don’t know when our time to die is,
We don’t know if we will make it through
yet another night.
We don’t know what God has in store for us,
Do we live life like it is our own?
Do we live life like what we say goes?
Lord, help me ask for Your guidance every day.
Lord, help me to ask for You to lead me in all areas.
Every corner of me.
Lord help me to be the wife, the mother, the friend,
The daughter, the sister, the self that You want me to be.
Help me to see what You want me to do today.
Guide me on this path that I am walking.
I don’t want to walk this path alone.
I know You carry me and hold my hand.
Thank You Father for the love You gave
And the grace You bestow upon me.
You and I know I don’t deserve it.
Thank You so much.

CRC Churchill 1/4/2000