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Bleh, I have no time what-so-ever to keep this site up. I really tried but with the most important year of high-school now, and other IRL stuff.. I'm way too preoccupied. I still keep Redwall in one of my priorities, but jobs and school always comes first. I hope ye all can realize this. I'm very sorry.. and still discussing a new leadership. Perhaps the Isle will come back, but not in the near future. I've taken down everything, links to music.

ŠThis site is owned, solely by Bloodbane, with the exception of the Library and the Larder. Please do not steal anything, without the permission of Bloodbane, if you wish to use images, ideas, names and backgrounds. Some of the site's assets are produced by Angelfire and OE-Pages, which are meant for the public. Please recognize the Isle, as being the first to use the musis, backgrounds, etc. of all Redwall Clubs. I'd like to thank my parents for supplying the computer and internet, and their support; Angelfire, for their free expanse of web-space; Oe-pages, for the images and some music; Grath Longfletch and Ublaz- For getting me started in HTML; Bloodspray the Traitor- For the Library & Hisk- For the Larder; and all of my members, because they are what make up a club; and of course, Brian Jacques- For he is genius behind Redwall!
