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stArsEEd's LyrIcAL D0Ma|/\/

Miscellaneous Lyrics, B-Sides, Rarities
Click on the Marijuana sign for albums.

Generation X-Wing - Matthew Good Band
Please note that you are allowed to send lyrics to my email address if you think they should be on this page. I will take requests to find lyrics also. VISIT THE BASEPAGE

DiD YoU KnoW?¿?
On the former popular song "Total Eclipse By The Heart" by Nikki French, it was proven that many listeners heard in their own ears-"Totally Blitzed by The Fart".
On Elvis Presley's song "Viva Las Vegas" listeners heard-"People like bagels". In Nada Surf's song "Popular" where it goes "My mom says I'm a catch" my ever so smart(bull) friends sing "My mom says I'm a cat, I'm popular..." Friends? Yeah right, they just follow me around. *Just kidding*
Come back when this is finished!

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