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Two Blue Kanes

More on the Blue Kane Scandal

This was sent to me from Juan Martinez:

(IWA's press release is in normal font. Juan's responses are italicized).

The following comes from World Wrestling Council officials:

To whom it may concern,

The following is our official statement on a rumor regarding an alleged warning by the WWF to WWC on an issue concerning our Tag Team Champions Thunder & Lightning and their so called similarity to Kane's gimmick:

First off, if anyone sees or has seen a photo of Thunder & Lightning there is no question to "their so called similarity to Kane's gimmick" The only difference costume wise is the color, blue as opposed to red

In recent days, someone has been spreading rumors throughout the internet regarding some issues between WWC and IWA, specifically concerning the gimmicks of WWC Tag Team Champions Thunder & Lightning and their alleged similarity to the gimmick of WWF wrestler Kane. Among other things, these rumors suggest that the WWF's legal division has sent WWC a legal document warning WWC to 'stop using the Kane gimmick in the next 10 days or the WWF will file a lawsuit against WWC and Televicentro (WAPA Channel 4 in Puerto Rico).

If I recall correctly, there was no mention or implication of WWC receiving a legal document from WWF's legal department. What I did refer to was that WWC received notice from the WWF to change the gimmick. From what I understood, Gerald Brisco made a call to people in WWC, Carlos Colon I believe, that there could be a problem and that they were going to have 10 days to change the gimmick or there could be pending legal action.

Those rumors have been highly exaggerated and taken well out of context. There has been no official document sent to WWC from any WWF source regarding the issue. Neither has been any time frame set by anybody involved with the WWF on our company to "stop using the Kane gimmick". However, WWC took appropriate steps on their own and solved the situation so whatever similarities that may or may not have existed between the Thunder & Lightning gimmick with the Kane gimmick no longer exist.

Again, I did not make reference to an official document. I also find it interesting that while no time frame had been set or that there may or may not be any similarities to the Kane gimmick, Thunder & Lightning were to debut new looks this weekend. If there was no warning or if there were no similarities, why change the gimmick? In today's wrestling world, you might think WWC would keep using the same gimmick and this attention to boost business (ie. milking it) rather than change it, and quite quickly I might add too. (within 10 days of my previous post regarding this situation)

We urge you to verify any information regarding issues concerning WWC before posting it. You can contact us at We also urge to whoever is insisting in creating false stories and/or rumors on our company and/or personnel to stop immediately. If such a person has any concrete proof on the alleged WWF warning to WWC on the Thunder & Lightning gimmick situation to show them publicly.

I think the evidence WWC has shown us says quite a bit. I also notice there was no mention made of the warning regarding the unauthorized use of ECW footage. I am curious as to what that current situation is.

I should have been more clear in my original statements regarding these situations. I firmly believe I received true information and I do not believe I posted anything that was false. As WWC tried to clear up their situation, I believed I straightened out mine.

The Blue Kane Scandal

WWF threatens to sue a Puerto Rico federation for using a team of Kane carbon copies

The WWF's Kane is well known for his unique mask and body costume. WWC, a federation in Puerto Rico, liked it so much that they've taken it for themselves. Their tag team, Thunder & Lightning, are basically blue versions of the "Big Red Machine." IGN Scoops is reporting that the WWF is outraged enough by the situation to threaten legal action.

The WWF is giving WWC one week to remove the blue duo from television. If they don't, it could mean a day in court. The tag team is still scheduled to wrestle over the weekend. If they show up, it's unknown if they'll debut a new look.

It's expected that WWC will avoid getting themselves into any unnecessary legal situations. Currently, the WWF has a working relationship with IWA Puerto Rico, which is WWC's main rival. Interestingly enough, the IWA's living legend, TNT (Savio Vega), is being sued by the WWC over the rights to the gimmick. Therefore, it wouldn't be surprising to see WWC try to beat the WWF in court.

credit: Chris Sabga : Thanks to for sending this in

There's a new tag team in WWC (World Wrestling Council) some federation in Puerto Rico called "Thunder and Lightning", both dress like Kane, look like Kane, and use the same Kane mask!... but blue colored. Thanks to Jose De Luna for sending this in.

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