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This is for you and your needs so let the internet know .
If you have needs , we in love to you from CHRIST in us , will try to help .
We that know God or are known of GOD should understand the Needs .
Christ in us does the works cause we love Him and He with us loves you .

And Jesus said : A new commandment I give to you , That you love
one another ; as I have loved you , that you also love one another .

The Spirit inspired John said : But who ever has of this world's goods ,
and sees his brother have need , and keeps his heart of compassion
from him , how stays the love of God in him ?

The Spirit said : Because You say , I am rich , and increased with goods ,
and have need of nothing ; and knowest not that thou art wretched ,
and miserable , and poor , and blind , and naked :

WE are in the Last days and most cannot even see this .
I can understand when those that care only for themselves snub others in there likeness as bodied people which we are . Actions speak for itself .
Even some , claim Christ or Christian . Their actions are the same as one that could careless of Christ or Christian . Action also speaking of itself .
God made it clear in men He inspired to speak HIS SPIRIT . The making of us if we are or not His , yet were His either in Heaven or Hell .
HE is the GOD of all spirits , spiritually dead or living ?
Those that are true will you stand up ?
The SPIRIT said :
For we are his workmanship , created in Christ Jesus to good works , which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them .


This is your section from GOD in Christ . He said : ask and you will receive .

That means people are each others keepers

Post your needs here that true Believers may Help you !
Helping each other