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Blueprint Software's Very Own,

BlueP-NET & BlueP-Points

Hello, and welcome to Blueprint Software's Greatest product ever! BlueP-NET & BlueP-Points! BlueP-NET is an internet kind of program, but you are not online! If you are a webmaster and have your own Qbasic page out there and you want some advertising for it, here is the way to do it! What you do is download the BlueP-NET software, made totaly in Qbasic and either, 1. Surf BlueP-NET and find Qbasic pages and only Qbasic pages. See your favorite Qbasic programming team up there! Find out info about their Internet page, and about their games! And everything else you need! Or, 2. Make your own BlueP-NET Qbasic page! It is very simple to do! And it's all FREE! The pages you can make are almost exactly like Internet web pages! You can even have a guestbook and counter! Maybe even email! All you have to do is download the software, make your page, then send your page that you have made to me! Then, I will have weekly updates of BlueP-NET, so that means, every monday, I will come out with an updated BlueP-NET! And your page will be in it!

Now, you are probably wondering what BlueP-Points are, well, if you make a homepage, that otomaticaly gives you 10 BlueP-NET points! And each time the counter on your BlueP-NET page had 25 hits, you get 10 BlueP-Points! And if you advertise BlueP-NET from Blueprint Software on your page (even by saying you have a BlueP-NET Qbasic page. You get 50 BlueP-NET points!

Oh, so you ask what these points add up to? Well if you are in the lead out of everyone who has a BlueP-NET page, on the opening page of BlueP-NET there will be the top 10 BlueP-NET pages. If you have the MOST points, you will be first on the list, the there will be the 9 runners up. People will want to go to your BlueP-NET page if it's first! That means, you page will keep on gettin' more hits! And also, if you are in first for BlueP-Points You will get tons of free advertising on this page! You will see your WWW counter and BlueP-NET counter moving up, FAST!

Now that you know what it is! Get the program, and start your very own BlueP-NET Qbasic page NOW!

The BlueP-NET software will be available in 2-3 days. Keep on checking!

Good News!

Quick, you can make your own page for BlueP-NET now! All you have to do is enter Qbasic and start a program in Screen 12. You can include text and graphics, but no out of the ordinary thing.. You can use line, circle, color, draw and the sort.. The pages can only suport X% 7 - 28 Y% 2 - 76. But, the good thing is you can make a max of 5 pages! Be imaginative. Make some great are. Use some graphics that you have drawn up and left behind! Make a logo for your company in Qbasic! Have fun! Remember though, you can't have DO LOOP statements in it.. And ONLY Screen 12! Go, do it now!

When you are done, email them to me in Bas Format, and that's it! Then you'll page will be in the first update of... BlueP-NET!

More News!

Screen Shot!

Email: Email me those BlueP-NET pages!